Some of the things that make a good mother a good mother-- She's unconditionally loving to her kids; she chooses to be even when things aren't going well.She puts aside her pride; she doesn't allow herself to be filled with narcissism, expecting her kids to chase her for communication or active presence in their lives.She never lies to them; rather, she is a truthful person, … [Read more...]
Going Forward
Going forward, "flying high"--blurred vision or not.Everybody gets a grade--"In America, we never, ever, ever stay down". Thank God for ambition and grit.No cookie is the same. What's the real concern, how do we rid this headache?I'm still masking, and will continue throughout the entire year.Blood clotting, and those of us who too easily, naturally blood-clot regardless of … [Read more...]
Petty Truths
A reminder: there'll always be somebody who will despise or literally hate you, no matter what--no matter what good you do/have done, no matter how sincerely kind you've been and are. They're hell-bent on trying to make you the bad--your being fully present with an open heart and upright actions of good intentions. That person is "petty"--by a person's own choice to … [Read more...]
Goodbye to you…
You ostracized me for years (and my children; my family); discrimination of another kind-- goodbye to you... You were oftentimes hateful, striking your words like a match; or just a snooty bitch-- goodbye to you... You played church to 'look good' while you were "a demon" in closed quarters, behind walls and doors; phone lines, text messages, emails; a "little … [Read more...]
Layering Garments
Everything we do in life takes on so many meanings. It doesn't matter what it is, what category it entails, and just who it involves. We learn and live, hopefully. Hopefully we do. Hopefully we learn. The layering of garments... We're kids. Then teens. Then adults with stars and glitter in our eyes and between our toes. We dream. We make plans. And … [Read more...]
Human to Human
Human to human, I'm your equal.Human to human, I was created with value.Human to human, I was loved and planned by parents who wanted me born of them.Human to human, I am worth loving, knowing, appreciating.Human to human, I am an individual--my own person.Human to human, I have rights--human rights.Human to human, my body is my own.Human to human, I can't be bought. I'm not a … [Read more...]
Question/s to Answer
"What is going on?"Again, loud & "clear"--I want to hear Dr. Fauci speak. I believe THE DOC.Who CARES what country has had the most tests!--We just want THE VACCINE. Children have always been "the spreader of infections"--beginning with the nose picking. Really, 'adults'. Protect our American kids, Trump. Think you can?--there's a story book about a little red engine … [Read more...]
Recipe for Healing a Nation
Learn & Live [23]
This virus is really bringing out the truths in people--separating the money-hungry, selfishness of certain individuals--from the good, decent people who are the genuine providers and caregivers to their families and communities. It reveals people to a 'T'. If people say they "don't want drama", they sure as hell shouldn't be causing drama with the intentional acts of hatred … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [22]
How can a leader be appreciated when he's hateful to the people, plus actions taken and inaction[s] not-- He's abusive and inappropriate for leading. It's excruciating to hear President Trump speak at any time.America should not be bullied and ruled by the President as though he is to be a dictator.To be an effective leader, is to be humble.I am PROUD of this reporter. She … [Read more...]