Make a mess, just do it. Ruin the whole thing. Be fine and well with ruining it all.You'll recover; you'll be glad that you did. And you'll be better than you were before you got into such ruins--a great experience, after all.Ignore the a$$es lol. But really, do that.Don't follow people's "man-made" religions. It's not real.Be a realist but stay a dreamer. Your life … [Read more...]
Visible Window
Vulnerability isn't for the faint of heart. Being vulnerable is the act of bravery--because that's what it takes. It's a soft toughness; a tough softness. People think you're weak, a frazzle "psycho" for having guts to express yourself, to feel other people's pain and wear their set of shoes on your own feet. [You are mighty.] It's seen, observed and criticized, as … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [3]
Keep the pit-a-pat of butterflies in your chest."March on" to your own drum, keep step to your own parade.Ignore the banter of fools. They might be related to you, from where you travel.Is this too close a concept?--could be!I laugh at my own sense of humor. I'm a red M&M with a peanut center; identify with candy!Live, love, and breathe.Wear your favorite lipstick. I … [Read more...]
Face Count, Face Change
I used to be closed-minded, narrow, in my thinking and acceptance of change... You read me? For growth, positive growth, I find it important to have an open mind to new adventures, a perhaps better way of doing things!-- and what does work for somebody doesn't necessarily work for another. It's freedom in allowing people to choose their paths; encourage, not hinder. And … [Read more...]
“Bossy” Affirmations/Affirmative Actions
I move ahead, even through delays.I never give up on my dreams, on the goals that lead to my dreams loved and lived into reality of the remainder of my years. Call me a dreamer, I don't care.I no longer give energy to the haters, personally known, and casually met. My life and soul matters to me.I know when to walk away, when there is absolutely no point staying.I am aware of … [Read more...]
Who’s Your Buddy
I like the small towns (when there's not so much gossip going around)... that Norman Rockwell feel; that old American vibe... Patriotic Flags line both sides of a main street that cut through the center of town, seemingly divide it into two sections of community--and the train tracks that are still in service--when you can hear a train proudly toot its horn at designated … [Read more...]
Breathe Life
We are here for a timely purpose, so breathe life.Photos are filtered in pretty hues of color; life isn't always, but breathe life.No matter how bloody difficult a situation or task may be, just breathe life.God carries each and every breath, and days of years are counted and numbered. Breathe life...Though people are in a hurry, and life gets crazy, stop and simply breathe … [Read more...]
Flower Power & Butterfly Beauty
Flower Power & Butterfly Beauty, SKIRT RADIO, featuring Roxette "It's such a cold, cold town." … [Read more...]
My Story, My Life, My Family
My Story, My Life, My Family - SITK FOOD & LIFESTYLE VLOG … [Read more...]
Live and be BRAVE!!!
Live and be BRAVE!!!, SKIRT RADIO, featuring Sara Bareilles Long live the Don Juan Rose and the great memory of my father, Donald Vern Gaston. Lord, thank you for my life, for my wonderful parents, and for the babies that you gave me for a while. You are so great, my Jesus. Thank you for helping me live and be brave. … [Read more...]