He was the only dad I ever had. He was funny, our clown at home when he wanted to make us laugh (and smile). He was timeless, always on time, however. He was the most giving person I ever knew (besides myself, and I get that from him)-- He was thoughtful, a deep well with great intentions and a process to carry out all the things that meant everything to him … [Read more...]
These Feet
These feet are mine. They don't have to "march up" or walk to the beat of anybody's drum but to their own, and to me. I am every part of myself, internally and externally. I am connected to these feet, just as I am connected to my own heart and soul--to my mind and spirit. I'm not anybody's twin or a manufactured copy of anything. And I'm certainly as … [Read more...]
Apologies from Heaven
I'm sorry that I left you. That I took off and forsook you. I'm sorry that I chose to misunderstand you. I'm sorry for being a butte when it mattered the most not to be. I'm sorry that I never went back to see you again. To tell you that I really missed you. I'm sorry that I let you down. I'm sorry I was unkind. I'm sorry that It seemed like I forgot you. You … [Read more...]
It Is Well
Live & Let Live [31]
Stand up for yourself, for your voice, for your human right to be alive--but do it wisely and respectfully to others as well as for yourself.Be respectful to all people, even if/when they are not--simply just walk away. Don't participate. Your life depends on it.We don't have to allow any hate to reside internally. We each have a choice.I am a child of God. That, too, is a … [Read more...]
Some Things I Learned “From This Pandemic Forward”–
How to seriously make very good, wise use of my time-Not get caught up in politics, in hate sides, and in the Black Lives Matter Movement. For my own peace of mind and daily tranquility, I've let it all go.How to be there for people without getting stuck inside their emotions.How to live more simply and enjoy it.Picking up old hobbies again/trying new ones; making them into an … [Read more...]
Happy 4th to you!
What is-- love. ? Seriously. Everyone, everybody, has their idea of it-- throwing in different facets of the very word. Maybe, just maybe, it's not one description. Perhaps, perhaps, it's what one can accept, tolerate, not be so much a perfectionist about. And, maybe, it's what you know you want or not at all. Nobody can decide it but each person to … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [30]
Be a person for all people. Truly be humanitarian, not out for oneself.When someone tells you that they're too busy to confirm anything, it says that they don't attach value to you. Dust yourself off.There's a way to communicate, and it's definetely not avoidance.We're at home, stay-at-home orders, but we still have phones and computers to communicate. No excuse not."Do not … [Read more...]
Turning the Other Cheek
Turning the other cheek... Sometimes hard to do. We have our own set of opinions, rights, and yeah--feelings--"We the People". Do you have COVID-19?-- The year, 2019; not the number of COVID. Seriously laughing out loud about that one... I find these people as being the smitten image of Trump, himself (coincidentally or not), the bullish President/his … [Read more...]
Dirty Politics
We're not in this altogether. We're on separate sides. We don't like each other. In fact, we hate each other. The difference between sides: people who pretend/are misled by a vain leader v. the people who are brutally honest. We're divided. We might be related in some way, or at one time were. We could have attended the same school building in our … [Read more...]