Are you currently residing in one of the cities that's under a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am? My dog's got to do her business when she better--since she insists on going for a short walk for TP purposes. Been called, "crazy" yet? "Crazy" for having a different point of view? "Crazy" for having a dry sense of humor that nobody catches? "Crazy" for typing about it since you … [Read more...]
Lives over Politics
The Essential workers are keeping us afloat.IMPACT YOUR WORLDOur medical teams are the troops fighting for dear life to keep ALL of us alive in these perilous times--as much as possible.We are a hurting nation AND WORLD, but not necessarily a victim--because we are still as ONE... even though we've lost precious souls to the COVID-19 disease.There is NO time to be … [Read more...]
The New Normal
Maybe it's a black and white world, after all; that this is the new normal-- no color, no gray matter. Who really knows.Who should speak... ? The truth about religion addiction, omg... scary shit.The hoarding still empties store shelves. No preacher or priest is GOD.Back to narcissism--Please, somebody, let just the scientists/doctors speak about the research of putting … [Read more...]
March On, Walk Forward – Learn & Live [21]
We're meant to keep going--no matter what, despite anything/everything.Prayers for Nashville, TN... 25 dead, and possibly still counting... makes you realize all the more what really matters about this thing we call, "life". "I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains."--Anne FrankAre you preparing for the COVID-19 of, still, this new year? May we … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [20]
Can you really help somebody. Could you really help somebody.Everybody needs a mother, family.Can you start over. Could you begin again.Were you meant special to anybody. Maybe somebody was afraid to tell you.Can you approach a stranger. Could you just walk up to somebody.Do you wonder or worry. Could you not think more than you ought to.Do you open all your emails, any or … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [19]
"Problems"?--What "problems"? What "problems" are so great to cut out family/offspring? Remove the stem, keep the blossom--or just throw out the flower? [19] years of absurdity cuts off a future or shortens a lifespan if not both.There are no perfect people; there are no experts. Let's refrain from pretending.We can be ostriches with our heads in the sand or really address … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [18]
I can't imagine not ever blogging--even though I've taken some breaks during these some years! I love to blog! Do/can you naturally speak your words to people?Do you ever feel/and know when things in your life are on hold because other areas of your life demand more attention and concentration? Yeah, I hear ya. I totally get that; I get you.Another question for you: Do you … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [17]
Don't shrink or vanish for people. Be explosively beautiful; remain wildly vivid."Eat what you wanna eat!"Be 'a little' stubborn--it's good for you.This day will soon be gone forever.Slow down to slow up; slow up to slow down...Be the thing that annoys people!Spend most of your Spring and Summer outdoors. Even if folks don't think you have anything brilliant to say, speak your … [Read more...]
To Be (or not)… BE!
Be humble even when you don't feel like someone deserves your humble spirit.Be present, 100% on board.Be at peace though the world is in chaos.Be cooperative through stubborness.Be you because there's no one exactly like you--you're special and original.Be forgiving when others hurt you--don't imprison yourself with refusal to forgive .Be brave through the storms.Be spiritual … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [15]
What you began, then, keep working on it.Failing is normal, and necessary.To all the women, just remember, this; what is said by a many American 'men' towards female gender to degrade--it's actually an honor--embrace being called, "cunt". Call me that all day long.Skin your knees?--Just "fix it".If you have to delete many names, Darling!--you've got many more following and … [Read more...]