Rose-Colored Glasses [37]
Lynyrd Skynyrd - All Time Greatest Hits Truly a gift. Worth living. Worth giving. Baking is play time. Enjoy each new day. Those days that are difficult, still pick the very best of good. Breast cancer care during Covid … [Read more...]
Beside Myself
I had to leave town. I had to get gone. I had to disembrace. I had to be forgotten. I had to remain small beside myself. I had to be unmemorable. I had to desert to survive. I had to grieve then go on. I had to disembark. I had to finish it. I had to regain, start over; and again, begin. I had to be ok with being misunderstood, hated; not care … [Read more...]
Birthday Wishes
Circle of One vinyl record … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday [1]
1/Vintage Treasure
The Essential Heart To fill the wall pocket planter: Keep (toxic) berries away from small children and pets--a reminder. Identically similar to other plants in the shrub family. So many, many kinds of this Christmas plant that is every bit an all-season, every-season hearty plant. Let's call them all "Christmas-festive" ('cause we … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses [36]
The Definitive Collection Rose-Colored Glasses for Breast Cancer Awareness- … [Read more...]
He’s Still My Dad
He was the only dad I ever had. He was funny, our clown at home when he wanted to make us laugh (and smile). He was timeless, always on time, however. He was the most giving person I ever knew (besides myself, and I get that from him)-- He was thoughtful, a deep well with great intentions and a process to carry out all the things that meant everything to him … [Read more...]
Fire Roasted Serrano Egg Potato Hash
Rose-Colored Glasses [35]
Butterfly quotes Grace Vanderwaal, Beautiful Thing Ceramic Mushroom Art Mid-century ashtrays Nostalgic experience Growing a successful flower garden Cooking outdoors Rose-Colored Glasses, peering through a pink lens for Breast Cancer Awareness … [Read more...]