Come take a walk with me through rose-colored glasses. Put on a pink lens, let's walk into Spring. Open the door. We'll go up a long road and walk the afternoon away, no particular place to be but here--with you. See purple blooms and clover, green grass and crop rows ... white gravel under our feet. We can make it a rose-colored world. Let's run … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (27)
Rose-Colored Glasses (27), exclusively Skirt in the Kitchen I've waited five years for this lilac bush to bloom. Not every lilac bush does bloom--ever--whether it is fiction or fact. … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (26)
Rose-Colored Glasses, exclusively by Skirt in the Kitchen "Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie... " This comes to mind, this old nursery rhyme that my parents used to read and say to my little sister and me when we were small sprouts. … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (25)
It's a rose-colored morning... black coffee-the way I like it-no cream or sugar, straight-up dark. … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (24)
It's been some time since I've written on Rose-Colored Glasses. It's where I stop to smell the roses. It's the time that it takes to drop everything to really look and live through visible eyes, not solely through a lens... in a walk... or just listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees with eyes closed for a bit. I admire nature. I love it's details, its splendor, … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (23)
You know by now how much I like coffee and espresso, don't you? Have a cup with me. Come sit down and be in my kitchen, be with me here. Here's you a cup, I hope you like it. Have you had breakfast? I've got eggs and grits on the stove. You're welcome to join me. I baked a chocolate cake for Valentine's Day. I carved out a heart and filled it with … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (22)
It's a girl's dress calendar. This picture on the cover happens to be the painted art print for the month of May. The dresses are vintage-inspired with the floral of spring. January's look... fabulous February... March-- umbrella for rain showers... April (my favorite print), a party month for birthdays and the change of weather... Here's … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (21)
It's a "whiskers" kind of day. Rosella is being a rascally kitty-kat. Her "twin" brother, Roman, has seemingly decided to take a long winter's nap. I suppose she's got to do double-time leaping and darting 'cross floors, pouncing and tackling objects. She's got mischief written all over her face. She prefers jumping up, balancing perfectly, resting and looking out … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (20)
Roman's whiskers, his spots, the very mischief of his actions... See what I mean? He's got vigor in his next step. He will chase a pulled string across a slick floor, slam into a wall, meow, then wonder why it happened. The kittens like watching TV, especially Thomas and Friends, lol... They keep themselves busy and entertained when not getting into stuff, … [Read more...]
Rose-Colored Glasses (19)
Flashback to babyhood; my daughter was little, now she's almost half-grown... a magical time, a marvelous year-- She turned one when this picture was taken. My mother and sister flew up to see us to spend a few days just to hold her. Where does time fly, exactly? Since then, from toddler years to girlhood, she's helped me bake cookies. She loves everything … [Read more...]