The Pandemic is changing people. No question about it. Actually, they/we/ALL OF US were always a particular way, either side of the peel. Issues of the Pandemic, politically/other topics surrounding it, bring it out in everybody. Trumpers get to say whatever the hell they want to say, expecting to be heard, getting the world 'told'; and the rest of us aren't supposedly … [Read more...]
For Pete’s Sake
I'm not going to pretend here. I'm not going to be that 'perfect' little girl that I'm expected to be, as though I'm suppose to be four. I'm a full grown woman. I don't belong to an organization to the point that I'm owned by one. What I write and speak is not constituted by any group of people that I happen to be affiliated with in any way. I don't have to choose … [Read more...]
Dirty Corona
But take a look at the cheerful pollyanna colors-- and there's nothing wrong with that--looking for the positive side of daily living-- it's just... let's be realistic at the same time. Shall we? ~ Damn straight. It's needed. Necessary. Valuable. Are we speaking too much, and too often? No. Is the world upside-down, turned "crazy"--? YES.Are people becoming more … [Read more...]
Matters of the HEART
I'm not so sure that a pretty butterfly picture could be enough "positive" for this post. Maybe it's good just having words for now; authenticity straight to the point, matters of the heart. We are, the majority of people, very present with opinions and ideas. Society has become a maddening experience much of the time. "Get thick skin, grow thick skin"... Toughen up in … [Read more...]
Learn & Live
Here's what I've been thinking about lately in the ongoing quest to learn and live... some of the things-- ♥ The older you get, the more you keep learning. And that's a good notion. ◊ Some people seem to be hell-bent to age before their time. And they don't know that they don't have to... There's nothing any worse than being clueless. ♥ Some nights are … [Read more...]
A New Season, A New Change
It's time for a new season, a new change again... I've had to re-do this post, to re-write it. When you're a blogger, it takes guts and fortitude to be transparent, vulnerably brave, because YES, you do get your haters along the way through mean emails and messages/social media-comments about the topics that you write or the way you cook or look... and you most likely will … [Read more...]
Light on a Hill
When do you start to speak--when do you begin again--how exactly? Nobody has the right answer for everyone. We're at different rates of speed. We're the same in many ways, but we're very different in many other ways that are extremely important in order to reside and function healthily and well in society. We each have our own set of fingerprints in our DNA--and on the … [Read more...]
Universal Words
Universal Words Songs & Artist: Move (Keep Walkin') and Lose My Soul by TobyMac … [Read more...]
The Victor
God needs no help. He's not a wimp. He's fierce. He's "all man" but not human. He's the builder of strength because He is strength. He's not a pansy. He is valiant without having an ego problem. He is The Victor. God does not forsake or abandon his own, not ever. His commitment level is forever. The common man fails; He is unfailing. He doesn't break up with you or … [Read more...]
A Soiled Place
Unsoil me. Pass over thy countenance to search the inward stain. Rid me of soil that is unpleasant. Clean to remove unclean. Let not thy hands hold debris of matter that is unworthy. Plead my cause, oh, Lord, and hold me above a soiled place. Don't let me sink and fall into darkness that is covered with vile, the waste material of a fetid smell. Pick me up, God, my … [Read more...]