A SKIRT GARDEN & FLOWERFLY Slideshow … [Read more...]
Sock Bunny
Getting all the supplies to make a sock bunny... Stuffing the sock bunny with a grocery bag and cutting off pieces to make it fit... Stitching the sock bunny's eyes and nose... Stuffing it some more... And more... And more... Now stitching it closed... Now on to the head-- Almost done... Now the ears... And … [Read more...]
Gathering Flower Seeds
I like to pick seeds out of the shells since Summer's over. And I like to collect seeds to plant next Spring. I'm gathering flower seeds from purple Morning Glories. I pinch the shells and catch them in a jar. The shell looks like a moth. And this looks like a face. There are two seeds that look like coffee beans in a cup. Some seeds … [Read more...]
Locusts Hatching
When I see locusts on some leaves or sticks, I go and put them on some flowers. When my dog, Rosie, sees locusts, she barks. I was hoping to write this the day after tomorrow. Rosie likes eating peanut butter, a lot, and sweets. But she gets in trouble because she's only suppose to eat dog food. She jumps up and takes my snacks sometimes. And she likes to attack … [Read more...]
Flower Fly
Hi, my name is Trinity. I like Summer, Fall, and Spring. I made a fairy garden. Now, I'm making a new fairy garden for Fall. Butterflies like nectar from the zinnias. They land on flowers like flies on bread that has syrup, and on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It gave me an idea to name my segment Flower Fly, because of this reason. I like … [Read more...]