Funeral potatoes originated, the term, out of potato casseroles baked for post funeral gatherings; but also for holidays, of course-- "Christmas potatoes". And for those gushy weddings in June; "potatoes for a June bride". ...Lest you forget, potluck afternoon Sunday suppers on the church lawns- In lieu of the pandemic virus raid of the rampant monstrous, beast of … [Read more...]
Fried Potato Salad
"American fries", "home fries", "house fries", "fried potatoes"--crumbling and falling apart--grated, sliced or diced cold from parboiled or baked russets (or any kind of potato you have left over from the 'fridge). The famous crop food that fed people and kept them alive during war times, during the Great Depression, is still the most sought staple in many countries. … [Read more...]
Joyce’s Sweet Potatoes
With sweet rolls baked on top, this can be dessert. If not, let this be the side dish that it was intended to be. This recipe comes from a best friend of my mother's. This is Joyce's Sweet Potatoes. It's the way Joyce cooks her sweet potatoes for a side--every time--with good reason 'cause they're so good! Peel 2 to 3 large sweet potatoes--or several small ones per … [Read more...]