This picture was taken so long ago. My father had cancer. But, at that time, he did not tell me. Not even through a long distance phone call. I finally knew, was told, in his last four years or so. I lived far away from him. The joy and love between a grandchild and a grandparent--indescribable really. Just as much a pleasure to see and listen to their … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [28]
We journal our lives in various ways.We're family-- different kinds of people that make up our Country, this great Nation that is still lacking. Unbelievably lacking.One brotherhood, friends or foes. Friend or foe.Sick of the boasting-- the transfer of blame-- fibbing; both small hands caught, fingers jammed in the cookie jar. Hmph; onomatopoeia in ribs. Heart is fragile … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [27]
There are no words, no very words to say how this day has gone... When will we get those simple days back, again. I've closed more chapters today. All of this in our world, has clarified so much-- friendships that were thought genuine but not-- and it comes out "in the wash"... people's insensitivity to the dyingpeople not caring where they go, and still traveling … [Read more...]
Learn & Live [21]
The essential workers are the backbone of our nation.The stance on America: we want FACTS, not "a gut feeling". What is real, what is not.Why don't we just-- put "fake news" to rest for now... who's tired of hearing the expression after all this time--serious issues need addressed right now.The Malaria drug to fight the virus while trying it on Americans is a RISK-- ask … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [26]
Nobody is immune.Let us not throw around false hope-- anywhere. But do have faith and hope.This is our modern-day plague. Gun sales and ammunition surge-- a common worry/concern...Could schooling be forever changed, that more and more people will like/prefer schooling from home?This is the 1st day of Spring; let's open an egg, cook one, bake or poach-- still nutritious.About … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [25]
I'm a grandmother!... and I will be a great one BECAUSE of the love that I have for my son... I learned this from where I came; again, thank you, parents and grandparents, who instilled family into my veins that go even deeper than my own.It's important to keep youthfulness inwardly and outwardly-- in all areas as much as possible, for as long as possible.Love is a gift of a … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [24]
Just because a person is brave to feel, and speak of it, does not mean that the person is led solely by feelings or has no regard in making intelligent/wise decisions.Family is-- forever. No matter what changes occur. Let us be open books to allow ourselves to be congenial to others. It is giving.We don't need to have the consent of people in order to live, thrive, to be in … [Read more...]
Live & Let Live [23] – 2019 Christmas Playlist
Live & Let Live [22]
Live.Don't let anybody drain you of your energy, your internal heart. Don't allow them to have that control over you, that they seek/have sought to kill/destroy your internal mechanism. Your feelings do matter, because you matter. Everybody does matter.Never accept shame that someone expects you to place on your head by their force--as though you are a reject, a sinful … [Read more...]