It’s been known as burning the midnight oil. It’s what we do to squeeze in that little bit of hopeful time that we missed out on during daylight hours… or what we didn’t get accomplished. Perhaps there wasn’t enough time per hour to get work done to our fullest. Maybe there weren’t enough hours in the day…
I could bake a pie to be useful for tomorrow’s meal ahead of time–tonight, this hour… No, it’s not cosmetically my best work for crust–but I had fun with it, I have to admit that myself!–and I shockingly, sensationally, got “mucho” attention that crossed over to other places in the world all because I baked an intended flop of a pie that was delicious and strange, lol… need I say daring, haha… I happened to wake up the next morning to find an overload of e-mails in my system on this crazy pie 😀 It tickled my funny bone.
I sat at my computer and laughed so hard, just giggled and giggled at the comments that people (strangers) were saying to each other about me and my senseless pie on various platforms and social media sites! We bloggers have a way of finding this stuff out! I mean, my breakfast and coffee were cold by the time I took my first sip and gulp! It had me in stitches.
One of the very best things we can do is laugh at ourselves–or should I say–laugh with ourselves. We have to do that, we’ve got to. There’s a time for taking everything super-sensitive and serious, and there’s a time when we must be the very opposite of that description. We need to be the placeholder for our own true sense of humor–even if nobody else is laughing with us. It can be our world, our own place of harmony. It’s being free-spirited in a relaxed state that is authentic unto ourselves.
The thing is, can we give it our best shot when our bodies, our minds, and our souls need sleep and good rest? We’re not super-human, we’re not perfect people, and we’re not Alienware. We’re porous matter with blood that can gush out of us, like when our knees get “strawberried” from a fall, a good skinning on concrete when we’re kids…
then mom bakes cookies and all is better. All is well. It’s determination.
There will always be confusion and a state of craziness on a daily basis–somewhere.
Things easily break. So can people and relationships… businesses, organizations, and there’s a long list.
When the chips are down, there will be a mess to clean up–in any given situation--because that’s life.
But the good always comes through.
Determination becomes confidence and ambition.
And “magic” is made! It’s been followed through, made into a terrific thing after all.
So pick up the pieces, give it your best shot–again–your genuine best try.
Put your best foot forward and continue on doing what you know you’re to do, and what’s in your real heart to do. Allow yourself to have a conscience about people, your blood-and-sweat family–the blood that runs through your veins–about your work ethic, about your business, and about caring for yourself, too. It might be that you’re the only person on this planet that can do that: Take good care of you. So do it. Fuel up. Get perfect sleep and rest. Don’t just do it for others; do it for yourself, too, so you can put forth your best and be your best.
It’ll be sweet as pie.
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