Skirt in the Kitchen throw pillows for those crazy winter nights when the kids are running in the house! To order, just click below-- 'Internal Combustion' by SusanNuyt 'Pasta Pretty' by SusanNuyt 'My Sunshine' by SusanNuyt 'Sick' by SusanNuyt 'Horse Around' by … [Read more...]
Pillow Fight [1]
If you happen to be up for a pillow fight, you have the opportunity to order Skirt in the Kitchen Throw Pillows! Fun and eccentric, they will brighten any room with as grand a statement as you want to make! Order our pillows and enjoy the "freakiness" of what you'd love to express but don't have the guts to say otherwise! Order one (or 2!) that describes your heart, your … [Read more...]