There really isn't any such thing as balance. It is about maintaining harmony in all areas of life choices, as much as possible. The scales will get tipped, be unbalanced so often because of absolute needs and demands of work and of family--at various times--always. So just accept it. It's simple imperfection, and it's actually what you want, even if you don't realize it … [Read more...]
Created for His Purpose
"Celebrate the sweet side of life." My MARY KAY life that brightens my world... created for His purpose. ["I thank God for you."] ♥ Susan Nuyt ~ Montgomery, AL … [Read more...]
Living in Pink
It's not a mistake. It's pink in my blood. It's my world that I need to keep... not only a continued want. It has healed a great portion of what was wrong in my life. It has taken the bad and turned it into good again. Sure, there are "mucky" days, because we still live in an imperfect world... It's "my … [Read more...]
It’s a WRAP
It's a WRAP, LIVING IN PINK, featuring Hollyn … [Read more...]
THE VICTORS UNIT, featuring Darlene Zschech … [Read more...]