Skirt in the Kitchen
It’s meant to hang this way. It doesn’t slip and slide on its own because there are small beads containing the smallest holes on both sides of a large button so that it acts like a brake in holding the necklace in place for its overall look. This is what’s neat about this necklace– the lopsidedness. It makes it cool. It’s got a mixture of different kinds, shapes, and sizes of beads with a glazed stone dangling in the center. Mixing everything together in a gaudy way can actually end up elegant. That’s what this is. It’s ideal worn with a solid black, gray or white garment. On bare skin with shoulders exposed shows off the the strand and accentuates a complexion. This is when costume jewelry can be pulled off beautifully in a modestly seductive way; a classy effect.
[Held in the light.]
All that’s needed besides mismatched notions to decorate a strand with is jewelry twine that does not slip and unknot when you tighten clips and fasteners for at the back of the neck. Pliers, too, not only cuts the twine but it squeezes any piece that you want to bend in crafting jewelry. These have fine points on the ends with comfortable handles to grip with.
— Susan Nuyt, Skirt in the Kitchen
stringin’ it
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