white Plumeria bloom
“You can’t go through life looking through rose-colored glasses.”– Have you heard that statement, ever? I’ve been thinking about it today, that old saying– a lot– the world is nuts, seems to be; people are splitting up more easily over prideful matters; loved ones are dying, many already gone; the economy is continually getting worse; there’s always war… So I think I’ll look through rose-colored glasses for a while to breathe in some fresh air in the heart of winter to forget the dread of the world for a while that isn’t far from my very own front porch. Makes a person just want to stay home. Sound good to you? These are a few of the items I saw through my rose-colored glasses today; not wearing pink shades, literally, just the saying. I paid more attention to these small things that took my mind off problems, the stress-free way rather than staying keyed-up over matters– and I looked for these– these small blessings that were in my day.
Pepperidge Farm mints– and large malt balls…
The re-saving of wine corks– maybe I’ll finally make some kind of crafty thing with them this year, lol; a blue-button moment…
A nice emblem, something that I don’t want to put away from Christmas just yet…
Lastly but not last on the list– Brach’s candy– I rarely have this candy in the house during Christmas; instead, I find myself waiting until after the New Year to finally get it in here, the kind and brand that my father would bring home in a bright red Christmas bushel basket. I’m baking during the holidays, so it’s not here until long after the baking for Christmas has stood still. I try to keep the traditions; really can’t prevent my childish moments– so that’s looking through my rose-colored glasses today. I hope you’ve had some good/great moments today, too.
[pink for Breast Cancer Awareness]
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