Roman’s whiskers, his spots, the very mischief of his actions…
See what I mean? He’s got vigor in his next step. He will chase a pulled string across a slick floor, slam into a wall, meow, then wonder why it happened.
The kittens like watching TV, especially Thomas and Friends, lol… They keep themselves busy and entertained when not getting into stuff, wrestling and napping. Silly kids…
Time at the park before Halloween…
The wind was picking up, it was getting cold; it rained all through Halloween.
I can validly say that I’m glad Halloween is finally at a close.
Continually moving forward– Christmas fabric for curtains in my children’s craft room… I know, it’s a fetish I have… ! I’ll put the yellow ones away for the season, pull them out to hang next summer.
Snowflakes on green; solid green fabric for the lining that will face the street. Doubled, it will make a nice insulator for heat and light, and it gives it good form. This way, they’re not see-through, a double thickness is better.
A good wine for Thanksgiving dinner: Launae American Catawba Sweet Blush Table Wine. It’s got green apple in it, and it’s one of my favorite picks. Now on to curtain-making…
P. S. Have a marvelous weekend burning tree limbs, cleaning out the gutters, taking down spider webs and Halloween decorations, just doing the to-do list! Seriously, my husband is going to get exhausted. I’m signing him up for a chili cook-off, the best chili you can spoon in your mouth. He’ll thank me for it later; believe me, he will. In all actuality, I’ll be right alongside him tearing down the garden to burn off, putting in place an economical greenhouse that will work just fine for my winter plantings.
Enjoy your moments of a rose-colored season.
[pink for Breast Cancer Awareness]
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