Should you experience, eat cicadas?
It is music to the ears to hear them.
Many, many years ago, my little girl dug up a small raspberry plant from a far part of the yard–she replanted it on the front corner of the house.
Being away for so many years during any berry season, I come back to find raspberries galore; so many plants multiplied around the side and the front of the house!
So plentifully bearing fruit.
I had just one Stark Brother’s original lemonade raspberry plant “many moons ago” planted–similar to this plant, now; resembling the Bushel and Berry Raspberry Shortcake Plant.
Why not bake a raspberry shortcake?
These don’t have to be strawberries.
I think they are just as good as strawberries, matter of fact.
Moving on to the crowns of Summer…
Flowers are God’s showroom of wonder and splendor.
I’m mesmerized by these wild orange daylilies that I find seemingly everywhere…
An orange “ditch” lily, they are known as–and in fields growing wild and happily.
A Tiger lily would be spotted.
Flowers on a skirt, getting ready for Fall, already.
But for now, let’s enjoy Summer while it’s still here.
Iced coffee anyone?
For me, in my world, it’s a Midwest summer.
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