This is not just a piece of clothing. For, one, it’s vintage. But not just any vintage to me. I have my heart strings around this blazer!
This is why–I had this one so many years ago. A size 4P, like the ‘new’ one in the first pic of this post–the very same size and twin as my first one gone!
I purchased the original tweed blazer at a second-hand shop in Illinois–so many good memories when I wore it!
I wore it centered around my kids on outings with me–whether it was at local events, or a drive to the Dairy Queen for icecream or morning shopping for strawberries at our town’s IGA–I miss that store, by the way!—
In the Fall, I enjoyed looking through their potted chrysanthemums kept near the front entrance–In my trusty blazer with my arm through the handle of a red basket, I’d have to upscale to a bigger carrier for all those plants!
The aroma of baked goods from the back of the store was divine to take in, with every step, into the goodness of their fresh fruits and vegetables–and there was a season when I sold my own fresh herbs there!
I totally fell off topic here. Heart strings to the store.
It was a quaint, like an excitable fire-engine kind of time for me, love with that blazer!
The threads pulled and looped; I wore it out! To this day, it’s in storage for re-purposing into something totally different…I might up-cycle it; just not sure what is meant to be done with it.
What you can be sure of: it won’t see a landfill. It was loved/still is. It deserves re-purposing.
Years passed. I rarely thought about my beloved blazer until I saw one just like it for sale on E bay!
I searched the web over, fine-tooth combing the internet, for this make anywhere.
This was it, the only one I found online. I never saw one like my original in any store or flea market, either.
You know what I did. I had to have this. It represents all those memories that are valuable in my mind and heart–It’s about my kids.
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