- Just because a person is brave to feel, and speak of it, does not mean that the person is led solely by feelings or has no regard in making intelligent/wise decisions.
- Family is– forever. No matter what changes occur.
- Let us be open books to allow ourselves to be congenial to others. It is giving.
- We don’t need to have the consent of people in order to live, thrive, to be in harmony.
- If you’re not doing anything extraordinary with your life, there will be no opposition from people.
- Some things are heard though kept secret.
- We each know what is between us and another person– without words spoken audibly or written.
- So, yeah, feelings matter– just as much as the mind and spirit matter.
- There’s more to a name than what we are given at birth. It was decided before two people met.
- I’d rather be hated than never heard.
- There are so many branches to all things.
- Never does just one person matter.
- We live under the same sky.
- I don’t think the world can be saved; the earth.
- Positiveness can be said in a negative response.
- It’s an art to listen and communicate well.
- If you have emotional intelligence, you have true compassion. And you’re careful about how you respond and approach people. You truly care.
- Making negotiations as fairly as possible is being a good sport in an uncomfortable situation.
- We’re continually learning.
- Always look on the bright side. It’s there somewhere!
- Thank God there’s a GOD; really…
- We haven’t reached our 24th day in January yet– It’s still a brand new year to do great things; little by little.
- Big, or however small things may be, live & let live.
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