- What’s your preference– pie or cake?… Pie is scrumptious, but a party cake’s a celebration!
- White turkey meat or dark turkey meat?… Depends on how well it’s cooked– a moist or dry turkey!
- Fried turkey, smoked, baked, grilled, blackened or spatchcock?
- How do you like your dressing?– milk-bread, sage, cornbread, oyster, grits?
- Do you like whole berries in your cranberry relish or a smooth texture of a lush burgundy gel? Neither?
- Have you had another choice of fowl on Thanksgiving besides turkey or no turkey at all?… like pheasant, dove, quail, chicken?
- Was there a Thanksgiving when it was chili or pizza?
- What’s your earliest memory of watching the Macy’s Day Parade Thanksgiving morning?
- Do you “spike” your gravy?… I put sherry in mine.
- Isn’t it nice getting a Thanksgiving card in the mail or mailing them out? Yes.
- Sweet potatoes or yams? Primarily, North or South, regardless of technical difference.
- Are you a string-bean or short-cut vegetable person?
- Do you say, “pecan” or “pea-can”? Again, North or South!
- Who doesn’t like leftover Thanksgiving foods?– the very best, of course!
- Football or not?… It’s nice hearing a game on the TV after a full meal!
- Do you travel or stay home for the holidays; one more than the other?
- Do you dress up for Thanksgiving dinner or wear your jeans and sweatshirt?
- Do you cook family recipes to honor those who cannot attend, who’ve gone on before… ?
- Do you pop the brown ‘n serve rolls in the oven or do you make homemade yeast rolls?
- Do you serve “drinks” with your meal– a nice wine, a spiked punch, tea or coffee?
- Do you break out the heirloom linens and towels?… Special ones are always nice, regardless.
- What kind of music do you enjoy on Thanksgiving Day– opera, classical, easy-listening, the daily mix or Christmas music?
- Do you do something charitable for a family in need, a friend who is recently alone for whatever reason, a person who has lost a parent or child… someone who has gone through a job loss perhaps?
- Help a homeless person. We all have something of ourselves to give.
- What are you thankful for this year? So much.
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