♥ We are each called for a purpose so that life is not wasted.
♦ The heart is a fortress, however well it is cared for.
♣ Evils lurk in all places.
♠ People will try to make you be quiet. You have a voice, use it.
◊ Speak your words wisely, say them precisely.
♥ Don’t go into the box that they have in place for you. It’s to entrap you.
♦ Keep three steps ahead, dodge the bullet.
♣ I wish everybody had integrity…
♠ Nobody owns you. Don’t let them begin.
◊ I will grow from and out of the process of the spite, the sword that smote the brow of my bone.
♥ I am a great lady.
♦ Learning people, really knowing them, is a lifetime of learning.
♣ Not everybody loves with their heart; some people don’t love at all.
♠ Claim what is rightfully yours. Keep it.
◊ My dog stays at my side for the next intruder.
♥ Each lesson makes you smarter; street-smart and people-wise. You learn personalities and expressions without words said.
♦ Being an empath is having the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Though claimed, it’s not truly scientific. I know it firsthand.
♣ Sometimes you have to go your own way, take your own path, “the road less traveled”.
♠ Everybody needs to breathe. Grant somebody that respect.
◊ Where there’s a will, there’s more than a way.
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