♥ Lingonberry jam is so good on buttered toast.
♦ I can’t get enough SNL! My humor is so nice…
♣ Glamping is creative, not just a pampering idea.
♠ What are you doing for Memorial Day weekend? Keep dry, sober, and safe.
◊ I probably bought more flower seeds and varieties than I will actually put into soil.
♥ Have you thought just why we try to be so precise on everything, on every single little, tiny thing?
♦ Every girl/woman dreams of getting/having/keeping a Prince Harry. What a sweet thing.
♣ It’s not necessarily the case that you “give up” on somebody; you’re left without a choice in some instances–despite who they are in relation to you.
♠ My dog digs into her dog bed as though there’s a treasure inside the cushion. What a silly-willy.
◊ Did you know that you can eat Sweet Williams?… Just the petals into wine, salads, or on top of cake… Be still my heart.
♥ I would like to just stay home today.
♦ Flamingos are on-trend; pink flamingo party…
♣ A weekend trip to New Orleans is a must for me this summer.
♠ I need more coffee–got to wake up!
◊ Tweek the multi-mask for warm weather.
♥ I want to see the Steven Tyler documentary. Out on a limb…
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