It’s not a mistake. It’s pink in my blood. It’s my world that I need to keep… not only a continued want.
It has healed a great portion of what was wrong in my life. It has taken the bad and turned it into good again. Sure, there are “mucky” days, because we still live in an imperfect world…
It’s “my Mary Kay” of these two years that I’m talking about. It totally rocks my world in so many ways, that I cannot imagine ever living outside this pink bubble that gets me in a healthy balance–no matter who has been unkind to me about it [in certain circles in and outside of Mary Kay], no matter what happens—there might be a delay in production for my potential team work, personally, but it’s here to stay. It doesn’t have to be what everybody wants. It’s “not for everyone” even though it can be.
There’s a reason why Mary Kay was made, the company, created by a brilliant woman who knew exactly what women experience. I’m so thankful that there was a Mary Kay Ash. Because of her, I’ve had this opportunity, this lifestyle that I am blessed to live. It continues to rebuild my youth, my vigor, my future, my everything.
It’s not just a career choice. It’s a way of living. It’s the pink lemonade under a shade tree on a hot summer day in Texas. It is like that to me. It’s all the goodness and greatness that life offers, and it fills these veins that I represent, not only from whom I originated and have brought forth. It consists of many branches.
I’ve learned people, and I keep learning them; understanding them. Because of my path in Mary Kay, I am able to forgive those who don’t know the particular beauty that I’ve discovered about life. I would not trade it for anything else. It’s now a huge part of my organic makeup as a person, not just what I put on my skin. I’m in love with my Mary Kay. It’s in my heart, in my mind, in my blood, in my spirit.
It’s good for every girl, for every woman, and for every man or boy who needs a strong female in their life–a woman who can be soft and gentle, but strong and firm in a respectful manner. Because Mary Kay teaches and encourages us to remember to do that–to respect ourselves and each other.
It’s not done overnight; it’s a process, like anything else. It’s a spiritual ministry of growth, of love, of truth.
And done accordingly well, and right, an income can be made from this beautiful business. But even more than that, people can become so much better through this beauty industry that believes in putting people before a dollar bill. It’s a people-business. But it’s an individual choice.
It’s not perfect. There are broken hearts and lives. You can’t save the world, but you can help mend lives through this travel. It’s living in pink for me, and it always will be. God has given me so much because of it, the hearts that fill my world. My cup is running over with plenty because of a great lady.
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