This is not anything new; everyone has done this by now. I’m in my economical mode of organization around the house in the last several days that I’ve been home. I’m constantly thinking of practical ways to make it a simpler way of living. I have enough duct tape to craft a plastic store full of girly things that is nothing ceramic, so why not put it to use when I truly need it?– I don’t want to see the daily mail scattered or laying about. I’m always thinking of the “feel” of things on chapped hands in the dry winter heat. Covering this box after removing the flaps, several times of covering, makes this feel good on skin when knuckles brush the sides of it, slipping mail into a slot for storage. It can temporarily be the mail drop for bills and important letters until it’s filled up for its appropriate place in the house. No junk mail allowed… !
When covering it neatly, go in a criss-cross fashion, it eventually has the resemblance of a basket weave. Three or four tape coverings give it a nice thickness and smoothness. Do the inside, long strips; smooth out any crinkles with your fingers. Tape it as evenly as possible, remembering to tape the very corners so no cardboard is exposed.
I put a ceramic bank in the box to keep the mail standing. Of course, when not for picture-taking, mail is facing the front.
— Susan Nuyt, Skirt in the Kitchen
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