Nobody owns a person. People are not possessions, credit marks for a person’s false glory and self-indulged reputation, and our children are not us.
We are parents bringing or who have brought forth. Children are not created to be used as weapons to injure a person or a party of people. Children are a gift–ask those who cannot have children.
Just as they were created in and passed through a body for a live birth, a baby/child is made primarily of two people from two families–not just from one, from a single family of people. Diversity is gathered into one person, having inherited a number of people in one being–of many.
“I own you!!” No, you don’t. Just because you sleep with somebody doesn’t mean you own them–either. Freedom has to exist and always remain present in a relationship in order for a union to survive, prosper, and grow–to blossom–“mature”. Real love is not selfish, does not seek its own, and is not consumed for its own comfort over another person’s happiness and well-being. True and honest love does not demand and violate. It is easy-going, non-competitive, and soft spoken from the heart.
“You belong to ME!!” No, not so. He or she might be your son or daughter–or in “romantic” cases, your lover, husband or wife–but there is no ownership. People are not material items. Everybody has a soul, a mind and a conscience–whether that conscience is clear or not in each person.
“Your family hates me, so they’re NEVER going to see MY ___ ever again!!” What a pity. You’ve just exhibited and exercised psychotic mentality and behavior. Not only that, you’ve proven that you don’t know what love is, so you don’t know how to love. You will never know how to love “unconditionally” this way, your way. Living isn’t just about one person, one life.
When a person does that, a child is deprived of his/her heritage and family roots. The child grows up without knowledge of where he or she came from. He or she doesn’t get the chance to actually know their flesh and blood relatives that are/were barred from a child’s life. Brainwashing and the handing down of lies are said about individuals that are hated by such a “parent”. That is not true parenting. The child or children are left feeling enormously incomplete. They feel robbed (and are) of their rights of ever having been given the blessing. They don’t know where their place is in the world. They end up living with insecurity in every facet of their lives.
They need a maternal family as much as they need their paternal family. As a result, they latch on to anyone, harmful to them or not. They don’t know who they can truly trust in the world. They become easily misled, they give up their self-control unto another person’s thinking power and capacity that could be detrimental to them in every area of his/her life. Hatred takes over. Unless there is a miracle that takes place to bring them back around, they will never grow into what they were meant and designed to become. “Sad”, yes. It is the stealing of a person, and that of everyone related to that precious soul that was born to be a blessing as well as to be blessed by family who have to be robbed by such a selfish, cruel person in control of the child’s raising.
Nobody owns another–no ownership.blood ties
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