- How to seriously make very good, wise use of my time-
- Not get caught up in politics, in hate sides, and in the Black Lives Matter Movement. For my own peace of mind and daily tranquility, I’ve let it all go.
- How to be there for people without getting stuck inside their emotions.
- How to live more simply and enjoy it.
- Picking up old hobbies again/trying new ones; making them into an art form for profit!
- Listening to the birds more, and more often.
- I downsized my personal Facebook page to now only having blood family there--my original FB page that I began 10 or so years ago! Instead of closing the page entirely, I kept it open only to keep in contact w/my father’s family; beloved kin…
- Finding new interests in creating and becoming even more resourceful than I ever have been!–and that was always a part of my fabric.
- Finding that I don’t need technology all the time.
- Have learned, also, to categorize and analyze more productively for work and working things out to prevent complications as much as possible.
- How to be acceptably okay with flaws, even skin flaws.
- To embrace aging more beautifully.
- Preventing certain conversations with people.
- Reading more often and consistently each day.
- Precisely preparing for the future.
- Living more presently in each and every moment as I so humanly can do.
- Giving but no longer over-giving to the outside world of ungrateful people–knowing the difference among people for my own self-respect.
- No longer apologizing for people’s bad behavior/cruel words.
- Explanations don’t always need/have to be/should be said in every situation.
- Healing and walking forward-
- Having a clearer and healthier mindset that is intentional and purposeful.
- Being abundantly grateful. (Not a cliche when genuinely abiding)
- Liking and loving my own way of life for myself-
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