Let’s talk about body parts. Let’s get physical with it, shall we?–
I could have worn this shirt, long ago;
didn’t care to–
Now I do.
I was always that meek, quiet little girl that I was expected to be growing up into adulthood,
for the most part…
Even though I CARED about a lot of things.
Like when somebody perishes—
My words reflecting true to my actions.
I royally care.
Presently, I do because of what our President has become (some would say has been all along). The lacking integrity for this land of ours, for all of us—in every possible way—
Recently, putting our Nation at higher risk,
that countless Americans are affected by this virus–
and those suffering the LOSS of their loved ones,
when these lives could possibly have been SPARED.
I’m not concerned about stepping lightly on toes about this photograph,
and what I type here on what’s now nearly a day-to-day basis.
The FACT remains that President Trump put our people at risk, grave risk of actual death and economic distress– Things which have NOTHING TO DO WITH reopening businesses!
Despite all that, he continues to speak ABUSIVELY to our American reporters,
We the People—
He has referred to us as– “at home sitting”…
I have news for you, Trump, I am a WORKING WOMAN–a working American Citizen despite my being female—
IN the house and OUT of the house!
So get real, seriously.
Our Country of Americans should have,
DESERVE by now, yes, long overdue,
a GREAT LEADER for our American President–
to be ABLE to TRUST and have complete CONFIDENCE in your ability
to lead our Nation–
not being subjected to the kind of male that you are, and have been.
You described ‘us’ as “pussies”–men AND women–
at various times!
“Pussies”–I actually consider this a compliment!
I’m PROUD to have this
vagina that has BIRTHED my children, the future “We the PEOPLE“.
It took me YEARS to become a strong woman because of males like
Despite the male bravado and the kind of president that you are,
I’m still
NEITHER of my parents raised a “stupid girl”, “a nasty woman”–
I make the CHOICE
to stand up for
and to stand up
for other people
that get bullied.
You are a bully of a president, and here I am standing!
You’ll just have to put up with it now, this load of “bullshit” that you refer to from ‘we the little ones’ who aren’t ‘posh’ like you–
and you’ll have to put up with losing the upcoming election–this pandemic that you neglected–and still seem to take lightly.
You turning your back, choosing to overlook important issues regarding the handling of this pandemic in our Country
will COST you the 2020 Presidency.
This might come off as hatred or bitterness to you, or to any of your blind followers who get their feathers ruffled if anyone criticizes you (I believe you call them “snowflakes“).
I’ll just call them people who lack bravery to speak–or those who cannot see their noses for the wrong kind of “light at the end of the tunnel”.
This is ME getting pissed and addressing it.
Yes, I’m pissed off.
Pissed at what you’ve done to our Country.
Pissed that your prior inaction is now killing people because you felt you somehow knew more than the professionals, even those in your own council.
While you CONTINUE to take credit for any positive news, even if you had nothing to do with it, or it happened despite your actions. You do this while dismissing yourself from any blame. You make EXCUSES, and blame ALL negative outcomes and consequences on others. Everything under the sun and moon that would reflect poorly upon your leadership and judgment (or lack there of), you find a way to blame on someone else.
“Poor Donny, poor Donny”–
This isn’t your childhood anymore. Be a grown man. Be a GOOD MAN.
Actually be a great one — be that LEADER you think and pretend you are.
By the way, true leaders share failures as well as successes.
You say you are a War Time President.
A War Time President does not conduct himself the way that you have. A War Time President is decisive; plans, and acts accordingly. Your speeches and actions (as well as the
non-actions) that needed (demanded) immediate ACTION for the safety and welfare of our Country do not correspond with any of that.
But your time’s almost up;
just pretty tough getting through the next months while you hold your televised briefings that I no longer watch–
That’s my refusal to boost ratings from views that you brag about.
Maybe you ought to go back to hotel chains… just a thought.
The recipe for healing a nation.
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