Funeral potatoes originated, the term, out of potato casseroles baked for post funeral gatherings; but also for holidays, of course– “Christmas potatoes”. And for those gushy weddings in June; “potatoes for a June bride”.
…Lest you forget, potluck afternoon Sunday suppers on the church lawns-
In lieu of the pandemic virus raid of the rampant monstrous, beast of burden, I’m renaming this, ‘Pandemic Potatoes’.
They might be, “beautiful ” to look at; “full of hope” with how good they look, and are!– “The light at the end of the tunnel” is that these pictures “don’t disappoint”. Because these Pandemic Potatoes are as good as they look in the photographs! And they are simple to make.
A breeze.
Not “fake news “. Make potatoes great again!
Potatoes could never go wrong, even when burnt to crispy bygones of funeral fire from matches, torches and gasoline–or from a stove catching on fire traveling up window curtains out of a state of rage… ‘Damn those dems.’ ‘Damn those redneck, church thumper-Trumpers.‘ ‘Damn those sisters of the mother ship’ ! ! lol…
Yeah, church folks say “damn”– don’t let ’em fool ya.– holding election signs for 2020. Not for Sanders or Biden. Call it what it is: a Trump crusade of an occult following… ! !
“A Godly man” doesn’t lead his ‘flock’ astray, doesn’t put them in harm, doesn’t pretend to be God, Himself.
God gave us intelligence to utilize appropriately.
To be frank, “I think ” Trump has ‘burnt his toast’. But “you can’t fix stupid”.
I don’t know, how many eyes do we have? And is this thing called a nose?
Since NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is not going to run for President, from this pandemic forward, why don’t we convince Dr. Fauci to take the Presidential seat.!. He’s making quite a splash, and for very good reason.
He is our grand-daddy for our cure-all. Our trusted parent for our nation. He tells the truth, and that’s “no bull“.
They’re even making T-shirts with his face all over them! Pretty sweet, “you might could get one in red” ! Maybe there’s a cap to match, plus, a teddy bear; a Fauci Bear, I’d recommend! It would be owning a piece of History.
Back to the butcher block–
Golden potatoes are “the cat’s meow” for casserole potatoes, period–so soft, sunny yellow in color–appealing to the eye. Completely aspirational. “Sensationalism” I give you, “I tell you what” ! !
Gives you “a spirit across the nation” – a sunny, summer vibe of content. “A beautiful timeline.”
Put them on a vintage skirt, these potatoes, and you’re back home running on Bermuda grass or in a swaying field of wheat–probably where you “can’t get COVID–19 “.
You’re a kid again.
And barefoot. Be careful of the snakes. And watch out for goose poop.
Whether you use a potato peeler that nicks your fingers or a knife that takes off more potato than should, peel these moist potatoes and slice them thinly.
[approximately 4 cups sliced]
“I hope” I’m not dictating “too much”. I want to “open up the economy” on these potatoes, so I better just stick to the recipe line.
Wouldn’t that be talking out of both sides of my mouth?– you know, ‘should I stay or should I go’ kind of thing; like whether or not a mask is needed or desired or important–or a person saying, “I’m not going to do it”.
‘Jeopardy question & answer’: Drag the correct answer into the box.
No box slot allotted.
Oh, what the fluck is it, Donald Trump. Should I ask Donald Duck-?!
It’s quacking under the pressure of questions. Critiquing passages that lead one on a wild duck or goose chase. “It’s always get you, get you, get you.”
Oops, somebody got goosed.
Okay, let’s “be nice” and get back to the recipe !
Try not to cry.
Everything is hopeful.
This really isn’t a recipe.
Keeps them from drying out and darkening.
It also helps them bake better even though this is a moist potato–the golden-yellow kind.
‘Say as I do, don’t do as I say’? ! Or is it the other way around-
And plenty of salt.
“Simon says” do this three times.
[makes a crunchier bite when panko bread crumbs are sprinkled onto each layer, also]
If I don’t use an 8×8 inch baking dish, I choose 2 smaller ones that equal the desired size–then covering one after it cools from the oven–to put in the ‘frig for the next day to warm up– handy.
This is where mistakes are greatly “appreciated” ! !
This virus is extremely serious.
Face masks MUST be used.
People MUST stay home to help save others; namely, the vulnerable.
People MUST deeply care.
NOBODY is immune to this pandemic; and this global virus is not extinct just yet.
It MATTERS how people are spoken to–not just words said and acts done [and left undone].
Having a sense of humor does not lessen the seriousness; it simply helps you get through it–to get through anything/everything in life…
Go ahead and sprinkle with sharp cheddar cheese. EXTRA-SHARP is the best for this!
I either choose heavy whipping cream for this potato dish or evaporated milk. I love this vintage flavor and appeal; even the color of this creamed milk in a can!
And, right now, it’s economical to purchase milk in a can. Food prices are, indeed, increased. This is a war going on, our current beast of burden.
Adapting, making provisions, being resourceful is key. Advisable and sensible.
Heat in a pan on a stove burner, to warmth, not to a boil, 2 cups creamy milk; pour over layered potatoes right before the cheese.
Cover completely with the cheese; salt and pepper it. Add dried parsley flakes and/or dried chives to accentuate flavors if desired; and a light sprinkle of Panko bread crumbs over the top for added crunch if preferred. These are excellent with just salt and pepper. It’s whatever you’re in the mood for.
It’s why it’s called comfort food. Another term for this dish has always been, “comfort potatoes”. People need comfort from each other when their loved ones pass away–not just comfort from the Holy Spirit of comforting…
It is heartbreaking that COVID patients have had to die alone without their loved ones because of how contagious this disease it. That they’ve had to die, at all…
Funerals on hold. Life on hold. Loved ones not able to say goodbye. This is a cruel thing, so please, think about how serious this is– be careful with everything that you do, because other people’s lives are counting on you; on each and every one of us in this great big world.
Allow 5 to 10 minutes to set up after baking time.
These are even better the next day for leftovers.
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