- Be a person for all people. Truly be humanitarian, not out for oneself.
- When someone tells you that they’re too busy to confirm anything, it says that they don’t attach value to you. Dust yourself off.
- There’s a way to communicate, and it’s definetely not avoidance.
- We’re at home, stay-at-home orders, but we still have phones and computers to communicate. No excuse not.
- “Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter.”–Michelle Obama
- “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”–so think of Trump’s followers. Mirror image? Sadly. Nobody should be that gullible.
- We’re not prisoners at home; just too many Americans are spoiled–and defiant.
- We’re suppose to be in this “altogether”–for the good of everybody. Guess they ‘showed us up’?–protests, people all along, sneaking out, before the first protest, when COVID was and still is as real as a heart attack–not a hoax, despite their contempt of reality. Traumatic not to care about other people.
- You did a ‘great job’, Trump; you made an impact on people’s lives–not in a positive way; not a good thing.
- By all means, throw another fit. And in public. Scream.
- This entire thing has clarified even more–just what I’m not going to put up with as a person. People I’ve known who lack empathy, real human connection–easy to draw a permanent line in the dirt.
- ‘What have we got to lose’??–our lives! Don’t throw a drug onto the American people that has the high probability of death just because you don’t care, Trump! If you so believe in it, why don’t YOU try it and tell us how it goes/went!
- Looking forward to November.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for sorting out the dandelions from the tulips.
- Thank you for turbulence.
- Thank you for anger.
- Thank you for ‘love’.
- Thank you for the hard times.
- Thank you for the bad people, those without scruples to safeguard other people’s lives.
- Thank you for the rough days.
- Thank you for those who ‘cannot tell a lie’ but do.
- Thank you for life lessons, even when it’s someone else’s.
- Thank you for division.
- Thank you for unity that lasts.
- Thank you for weeding out the days, lumping them into months.
- Thank you for losing.
- Thank you for small wins.
- Thank you for another birthday.
- Thank you for love and hate.
- Thank you for this war.
- Thank you for ongoing clarity.
- Thank you for saving grace.
- Thanks for repetition.
- A pity that some people will never catch on to a damn thing—as my dad used to say. Can she speak any grain of truth?? Is it in her??– What’s the real reality, lady? And where’s the true empathy in you? Life is just a party? No need for responsiblility? And did anybody ever teach you the difference between politeness and rudeness??
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