- We’re meant to keep going–no matter what, despite anything/everything.
- Prayers for Nashville, TN… 25 dead, and possibly still counting… makes you realize all the more what really matters about this thing we call, “life”. “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.”–Anne Frank
- Are you preparing for the COVID-19 of, still, this new year?
- May we not be alarmists, but remain cautious and prepared… Disinfect the house but do try to keep a balanced reasoning… and how do you really do that 24/7, or close to that time lapse??…
- …to think that I’m wearing plastic sanitary gloves to open daily incoming mail and packages… ! Yep. What’s the ‘right’ thinking about it all? Does anybody really know for sure?
- I’ve cancelled crowded engagements. I have kids, “by George”, plus, my last earthly-living elderly parent, though YOUNG for 81 by matter of her own choice–and, mine,
- –’cause I can’t seem to embrace the fact of her growing “old” at this point. I know I’m not alone in this. Just be honest and practical without judgment. Thank you. Lol,
- but seriously.
- Where did I get “by George” expression from?… neither of my parents ever said that. Nor any of my aunts and uncles or… grandparents?
- We’d be surprised what we inherit or pick up from our families?! Really. My Grandmother Shew, my mom’s mom, used to say, “By George”. Only her! Yep, again, her. Popularity vote or not, my grandma with the pronounced chin! I hear she had English Quaker in her and Jewish. But the Jewish was dominantly in my mom’s dad—
- –but you don’t care to know that; It’s good and ok! I get it. I do. Every family is unique and meant to be. I don’t actually know who’s reading this…
- Does it seem like the world is getting more difficult to live in–like–how to deal with it all?–what do you think? Wait, I same as asked you that already. Repetition excused.
- What about the political movement of candidates on board? Let’s not go there. “Too much negativity, Sue!”
- Keep humor. It’s important to have and savor.
- If things are not “fixed” in your family, why wait… There are no guarantees about the living for the next day. Mend fences. “Love your neighbor”–family, most importantly.
- Most importantly.
- I’m thinking about light rum in cherry chip cake!– Got to keep planning; keep dreaming, keep hoping, keep having faith, keep working, keep enjoying those small things.
- Keep loving.
- What coffee are you sipping for a hot cup in the mornings now? Have you just now caught wind of Ralph Lauren’s brand–Ralph’s Espresso? It’s not necessarily a bad thing to be a late bloomer!
- Do you ever get the feeling you’re behind the eight ball?
- [Ralph Lauren is my favorite brand of clothing– and how could I resist a sweet pair of Tory Burch wedges?!!]
- What are you cooking for supper tonight? I’m making jambalaya.
- I’m still in the New Orleans Madi Gras mode of craving foods lately.
- Was Fat Tuesday of any significance to you today? Super Tuesday?
- Are we all “politically correct [or incorrect]”? —
- —“Could you please be quiet now, Susan/”Lynette”?” Lol…
- Would it be politically safe to say that I’m Independent?– By, George, I am.
- You’re in the driver’s seat.
- I’ll go stir the rice.
- March on, walk forward; Learn & Live, 26 more reasons to keep delving.
- “Over and out.” Adequate communication always did matter; make a difference.
- The 50th commemorative march in Selma, AL took place again.
- [So will you be watching the political polls late on the tube tonight?! ]
- March on, walk forward. These shoes were always meant to keep movin’
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