- The essential workers are the backbone of our nation.
- The stance on America: we want FACTS, not “a gut feeling“.
- What is real, what is not.
- Why don’t we just– put “fake news” to rest for now… who’s tired of hearing the expression after all this time–serious issues need addressed right now.
- The Malaria drug to fight the virus while trying it on Americans is a RISK– ask every military person.
- We’re not ‘guinea pigs’– we’re human beings; not rodents in test labs.
- Get real; let’s get serious. Too much TRUTH is being guarded, is hidden from our eyes and ears by “The Hill”.
- Let’s SHIP. I wish I could hear my father’s words right now…
- Life is too delicate to play around with–every life is.
- Here’s WHO we should be paying attention to, listening close ear to-
- A TV newscast that doesn’t sway or influence; just delivers the news; informs.
- We have NOW. It isn’t being an alarmist, it’s being level-headed and just gathering the facts; expecting the TRUTH from our Government–being able to obtain factual truth from our President– not getting hooked on “a feeling”.
- Not a time to get ridiculously carried away on “positiveness”.
- Numbers climb on a daily basis and update hour by hour.
- We’re a part of this ‘war’, whether we want to be or not; someday a part of our History.
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