- Nobody is immune.
- Let us not throw around false hope– anywhere. But do have faith and hope.
- This is our modern-day plague.
- Gun sales and ammunition surge– a common worry/concern…
- Could schooling be forever changed, that more and more people will like/prefer schooling from home?
- This is the 1st day of Spring; let’s open an egg, cook one, bake or poach– still nutritious.
- About the Army guy returned from overseas who says that ‘just because he fought in conditions for our Country and lived day to day in situations, that we’re just a bunch of pansies’– WELL, if your parents and grandparents are/were still alive, you just might ought to re-phrase your particular words to the public– to the people who have already lost their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, even the youth in their families— afflicted and dead by COVID-19. Maybe not great in number, to you, but a totally different thing for them to have to endure loss of family.
- Be a real “American” on home turf, please. Thank you. [Thank you for serving]
- I view and hear Trump as a dictator more than he is a President. Not that any of us are always in an ideal state in the way that we communicate and speak to people. It makes a difference, a significant one, when we’re respectful to each other; elders of generations and those in leadership, the same as anyone else–. Missing the days of Reagan.
- Social distancing, but virtually close…
- This brings out the truth or dishonesty in people, any world catastrophe such as this.
- “We talked like lovers and laughed like friends.”/”An open enemy is better than a false one.”/”We’re not friends, we’re not enemies. We’re strangers with some memories.”
- This is not the time to flock to the beaches– let the seagulls enjoy their sandy shores without our wandering youth this time/this year.
- Good or bad, improving/improved or not, we become more authentic.
- Never before was there seemingly a more important time for the internet than now— our form of communication that keeps us connected socially. Not just for work at home.
- TV/live streaming– kudos.
- “The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.” Yeah, I like my Pinterest.
- “Good day–“– as Paul Harvey always used to say…
- Keep pushin’. Stay alive, keep going. You mean the world to somebody.
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