Are you currently residing in one of the cities that’s under a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am? My dog’s got to do her business when she better–since she insists on going for a short walk for TP purposes.
Been called, “crazy” yet? “Crazy” for having a different point of view? “Crazy” for having a dry sense of humor that nobody catches? “Crazy” for typing about it since you happen to write, anyway?
“Crazy” for being a concerned citizen? “Crazy” for warning your only living-on-earth parent to stop gallivanting and having people over?–‘invincible’.
No. Not.
“Whatever is God’s Will.” Yes, but again, God gave us a brain. No disrespect, just saying 2+2 kind of thing.
And how, on God’s green earth, did the Baby Boomers get to be so damn stubborn as though they’re the modern-day ‘young’ rebellions in a way? [Nah, it’s not gonna hurt me a darn bit! I’ve lived this long.] Incredible.
Unfortunately, it’s so common with many of the Baby Boomers about this.
If you’re a Baby Boomer who’s doing all things well and right in this pandemic, then I so applaud you. I applaud you for using your brain. You seriously get it. You listen. And you put people, other people first, not think of yourself only.
Everybody’s life matters. Everybody around you. Everyone.
And, ‘funny’; the Baby Boomers who are determined not to listen, not to stay home and protect themselves and others?– they happen to be “yuge” Trump supporters.
Think about it. It’s more advanced with the older age brackets. Some could recover, sure; but most, don’t. That is the horrible reality of it.
More than 2,000 people in the United States as of TODAY have died from the virus. Please take it seriously, folks, who should be filled with wisdom by now; even, you, Mr. Trump. Stop with the handshakes, for starters. And while you’re at it, how ’bout telling your “fans” to listen up, for real. I’d like my 81 year-old mom to live for a very long time yet. She’s got grandkids who’d like that very much.
Thanks. And I’m not being so kind to you about this. We don’t want your feelings, what you have “a gut feeling” about. We don’t want stupid, soft-soaped “hope”. We want facts and something done about your words; promises that you say–like that stockpile. We want you to take responsibility for this. Be a man, the great leader that America needs [and should have].
‘MEMORIES OF THE MARCH’– “Everything has changed. And nothing has changed.” Civil Rights Leader, Joseph Lowery, passes away at 98. Historical figure who lived a meaningful life.
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