or simply warm in the heart…
All the above?
Or are you on the Florida Keys where you will spend Thanksgiving through Christmas—
where the sun is a ball of orange warming your back?
I love the light coming through a beautiful window, don’t you? And the elegance of gorgeous architecture, priceless; vintage, Victorian… It is art.
Not just a window.
Let’s gourmet-it-up.
Let’s fancy-up this bite.
I love words.
it’s from France.
It’s Christmas in a bottle.
It’s spike-the-holiday-pastries time of doing with this liquid.
It’s holy water.
It says, “Let’s dress up your bright red dress or coat/jacket with this nip of cheer and celebration!”
Shine a shoe.
Light the candles or just ring a bell.
But do spike the cookies or cake.
It brings out a richness of flavor. It also adds a moistness.
And it’s festive.
we’re giving it some glamour,
even though vintage era had a fine elegance
that is still vibrant with its own unique beauty.
“Thank you, parents; grandparents, aunts and uncles who passed this on to me.”
Aging is youthful.
To be aged is young.
“Chocolate No-Bakes w/Fig & Orange Cognac”–
this brand of peanut butter works the very best for this–
I’ve tried other brands for this kind of cookie. Always, I go back to this one.
It’s wholesome and real,
deliciously authentic in every way.
Peanut oil settles in the top of the jar from the shelf; so it has to be scraped out into the mixer,
blended well before use.
plus, the flakes are smaller.
Measure 3 cups uncooked oats, 2 cups granulated sugar,
and 1/2 cup half ‘n half cream milk.
enjoy the aroma.
Next, right away,
whisk in the 1-cup peanut butter.
Stir and boil 1 minute.
quickly stir in a dripping tablespoon of Grand Mariner now!
Dramatics allotted; it’s orange cognac, for crying out loud!
Stir it all in–
The longer the wait, the more difficult to stir,
then be able to form into mounds to completely cool.
I find these to taste really good 2 days after they’re made.
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