- There really isn’t any such thing as balance. It is about maintaining harmony in all areas of life choices, as much as possible. The scales will get tipped, be unbalanced so often because of absolute needs and demands of work and of family–at various times–always. So just accept it. It’s simple imperfection, and it’s actually what you want, even if you don’t realize it being the key to just being able to have harmony. Yes!–we can give up striving for balance!–whew! Are you laughing/smiling with me?–I need you to, come on. Ease up.
- I gave too much product away. Why? Because I really am that nice of a person–I’m too kind much of the time, and have learned not to spite my own nose in my giving. Another lesson learned. It doesn’t keep friends for you. It just makes you bankrupt. Then they go on with their lives and forget all about you while you’re trying your damnedest to fix y o u r s.
- My market, duh, was the best outside of friends and family. Strangers became my authentic point of contact for business when I did my business!
- Consistency matters!
- Being scared as a chicken is actually good for you! “Bok bok!” It’s “kosher” [okay] to do the chicken dance, you know. Did I get a cluck outta ya?…
- You will get so many turn-downs, nos, mean comments, stand-ups and no-shows, cancellations, and really mean people, but keep going, Love!
- People will sarcastically say or ask, “When is she getting a real job?”…“Has she got a real job yet?”… Don’t be surprised if that comes from one of your own customers–who even loves what you’ve sold her, what she enjoys putting on her skin!… Yes, vicious–but you eventually adapt to having a shut ear, a thick skin. You don’t have to be related to them for this to happen. But it’s okay, you know what your mission is, even if it’s taking you forever to accomplish what you’re doing. Capiche? I u n d e r s t a n d, don’t you? I finally do.
- Seemingly, most people do not get it that you’re trying to make a living for your family. It is not, and I repeat: NOT a “scam” or “sham” to make an honest living for your kids, to keep the light bill paid, to have the means to go buy a pound of hamburger to cook for supper–to be able to have a roof over your head when you sleep at night. So just get use to it. People are cold about ‘your job’ in relation to theirs– Oh, what’s that? You say… going to work, clocking in for someone else for cubicle life? Oh, yeah, that.
- Life does happen, not the way we planned it, not the way we expected or thought it would go. People get sick, people die on you, tough stuff goes north and south. But it’s not over. You still have a new day. Just remember that when your most severe critic, whether that’s the meanest person you have to come in contact with, or if it’s YOU–just remember that you can always start again and just keep going. It’s tough. It’s rough. It’s hell. Many things that you don’t tell anybody because of your pride and embarrassment–but you’re a human being. It’s okay to lose and then pick yourself up again. It’s also okay to have your privacy. You don’t owe your life to another human being outside of your children, your offspring; the circle-of-life concept. And if you have loving parents that are still in your life… That might be a tough one, too.
- Another thing I learned, and keep learning, is that my story is my story. I’m proud of where I’ve been that make up certain parts of my individual story. Everybody goes through heartache, even sometimes, trauma–but it’s for a reason to help others, also to heal yourself. You have the choice to come out as a much better person than you were before anything happened to you. Every person goes through terrible ordeals. No one is an exception. And no one’s story is worse, better, or more interesting than another person’s story. But you are just as important as everybody and the next person. Do not deny yourself. Just don’t stay down. Be your own champion.
- Keep giving yourself self-love. Turn off the noise. Open a window. Take a walk, or whatever it is that you love to do for yourself.
- How you know you’re doing something right?–when people are judging you, like crazy. Self-love yourself through it. Ignorance can be blissful, people not understanding you and what your mission is; your work, your life, and that thing that you’re so passionate about doing.
- Everything takes a lot of time to achieve. It’s a process. Don’t think that you have to rush it. And you can also do more than one network marketing side-hustle– who knows, you just probably will turn at least one of them into some serious income after all! Believe it, it’s not just in the water. People do it all the time. ALL THE TIME.
- You learn your own strengths, and develop new ones. That’s exciting! You do change and grow as a person. You’re now this beautiful huge butterfly in your own magical garden that you make/made/are continuing to make! Even if nobody can see it but you just yet.
- Talk great to yourself, each and every time. Be on your own side, be your best friend, your best advocate, your best love. You OWE it to yourself. Anyone who says otherwise, never learned this gift of love to himself/herself. What a pity.
- Take as many notes as you must, as you possibly can. Even though we live in the trendiest age of technology, pencil/pen on paper still programs information–important stuff that you got to have–inside that beautiful noggin of yours. It is necessary in finding placement.
- Find your place. You will bump into ‘walls’, tall hard brick stones. But all of the struggle becomes loved and earned. You have this, Kid! I’m rooting for you! XO
- Our dreams are worth it, because people are worth it–our offspring and ourselves included…
- You will be too much for people. It’s good. It just is, trust me on that.
- It’s a mental game of what you allow into your thinking–turning grudges away that harbor bitterness–refusing to listen to the words of other people that are like arrows to discourage your journey–what you say to yourself–what you condition yourself to do on a daily basis.
- One last thing, but not a final thing to say is, keep a rigid daily/weekly/monthly/yearly planner! Make SURE you use it all t h e time! Fill it in and color the squares that make up your time well-lived and loved…
- No matter how much time you have to take off, even if it’s been a year of technically not doing it well, you have a brand new calendar month to mark on your calendar of events to do with a fresh face for a power-start. “Capiche.” You matter, don’t forget it.
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