- “Problems”?–What “problems”? What “problems” are so great to cut out family/offspring? Remove the stem, keep the blossom–or just throw out the flower? [19] years of absurdity cuts off a future or shortens a lifespan if not both.
- There are no perfect people; there are no experts. Let’s refrain from pretending.
- We can be ostriches with our heads in the sand or really address issues constructively well.
- It’s important how you treat other people, and how they treat you. “We”.
- We’re all equals. Let’s debunk a matriarch behavior of mentality. Let’s be eyeball to eyeball. If I can’t see the top of your head, I’ll get a ladder just so we’re eye to eye. If not, earn the crown.
- Words have great meaning; not always “calculated”…
- You don’t have to have one residency or prominent piece of land to call ‘home’.
- I fall in love with houses, because they’re a part of the people I have loved.
- Love is an ongoing journey.
- Where there is loss there is restoration.
- Things take time, some things longer. And it’s not about material.
- Fabric, gold-thread fiber; glittery objects are visible rewards adorned.
- Go deep, refuse to be shallow–not a surface-person. It matters.
- I can live with it; a fine attribute.
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