I’m not so sure that a pretty butterfly picture could be enough “positive” for this post. Maybe it’s good just having words for now; authenticity straight to the point, matters of the heart.
We are, the majority of people, very present with opinions and ideas. Society has become a maddening experience much of the time. “Get thick skin, grow thick skin”… Toughen up in one way; in another, keep soft.
But how do you do that when you’re not allowed to say, “this hurts”, “that is unkind what you did”…?
“No, I did not say that.”– Still crickets on your end while they build words all around you…
Here’s what you do: Say your piece respectfully, then walking away, go ahead and mutter out loud to yourself, “To hell with ’em”—as my dad used to say! It’s accepting that they have issues that really aren’t about you.
When somebody labels you with down-right mean words, calling you something, perhaps they are calling themselves that. Otherwise, would they? I think it’s more about them, don’t you??
The stigma in our culture calling people mentally-ill words to insult them and purposely trying to damage their reputation should come to an abrupt end.
Unfortunately, it won’t. We have too many truly ill-soulfully-wicked-by-choice kind of people in our society, in office buildings–and in some families. Sad. True. Doesn’t have to be a matter. But it is, a real mental condition–doing this to people. Abusing through labeling, through harsh words of meanness. Then turning it through scapegoating.
“To hell with ’em.”
Just because they were kind in years prior, don’t get stuck there. This is present-life. You have to feel like you can breathe, feel genuine love, really know that respect is mutual… And if you are not loved, not even by a parent, a spiteful sibling, an artificial friend, [or whomever] what else are you to do?–
You go on, child. You go on and love while you’re given no option but to walk away for your own self-respect and air to breathe. There are other people who love you and know your worth.
God does, too.
Yes, it hurts, but you are strong. This is NOT about you on that side, remember? What IS about you is your life–it being a nurtured, healthy, good, loving life. Go live it and embrace the good in an abruptly shut door. More blessings come from it. There are new directions.
Know your worth and never forget it.
THAT is family.
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