This might be a good place to start, to begin again–right where you are. No other place.
No matter what’s cracked, what’s been broken, whatever got separated–just begin again. Might be difficult, no doubt, tough… But sometimes, some of the hardest things that are worth getting through, worth getting over, “to deal with” require starting over again–like a new day, morning coffee that signifies that fresh start. It’s repetition. Everything gets repeated when you’re climbing upwards or through any ordeal that you have to bear, when you’re getting through a rough spell. Time can be your friend or not.
When we speak of time, it sounds dreadful. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s for everybody–even the weak–because everybody goes through weakness. Courage is discovered in weakness, the action of getting busy with starting over again. Time can be a teacher if you let it. It ought to be regarded as such. Time being a teacher, perhaps a life lesson, can ultimately become your friend. It has the ability to re-make you from the inside-out, not keep you torn asunder. It’s in the way that time is embraced, how it’s treated and respected–in what and how you respond to time, through time of enduring some of the most painful life lessons and isolation that you may ever have to feel, ever have to live though and bear, for possibly a long period of your life.
It demands careful attention, consistent hard work and honest effort. It reflects a personal choice, a clear decision, whether time is allowed to make or break a person to the point that there is or isn’t a healthy recovery or true forgiveness–the letting go of hatred or a severe grudge, getting through desertion or loss. It has to run its course, and it carries or drags a multitude of emotions along with it. It depends on how time is lived, what has been decided person to person or absolutely alone. There are stages that have to be hurt through, then passed through, then left behind in order to love again, in order to appreciate again, then returned in the same gift. Love that remains is a treasure. Forgiveness, real forgiveness through what we do with time in a dark place, opens doors again. It lets the sun shine through to stay. It warmly welcomes a new day, a meaningful smile that is not forced, and forgiveness brings closure to the deepest cut.
People will leave. They will forsake. They will harm. But others will stay. Some will remain faithful. And there will be loved ones who will choose to be present through whatever storm or dark day or long period of time that you have to go through. You may not be loved back in the same way exactly, and that calls for acceptance to heal; but forgiving what has been cracked, broken, or separated can repair you if you let it happen. That is living through time in such a way of allowing it to teach you as you embrace hardship and heartache. Desertion is then a temporary thing.
Strength takes harbor and pitches a tent; then builds a house, camps out and lodges with a fire burning that cannot blow out into darkness again. You’ve then created your homeland, your oasis. It is the beauty of hurtfulness because it was decided from a personal decision for it to be transformed into a good thing–of living through time of an ordeal, embracing it with hard work and effort, a consistent busyness to get through it. And truly forgive to live again.
Song & Artist: Keeping Your Head Up by Birdy
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