“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” –Luke 13:34, KJV
One could probably write a month of Sundays about this great city. It is mentioned at least 500 times in Holy Scripture; from Joshua 10:1 to Revelations 21:10 (the New Jerusalem).
This ancient city is as up-to-date or “up-town” as tomorrow’s newspaper. It is the flash point of our day and the focal point of the redeemed one’s future. In its storied past, it knew despots, destruction, and disgrace–but also deliverance, deity, and dignity. It was the home of great kings and sorry sovereigns. It was the pulpit of God’s anointed prophets and the pedestal from which poor priests fell. It was a town of plenty and a district of poverty. Its temple shown like a golden orb and was destroyed by rampaging hordes. Its walls and gates were powerfully protective and then were pummeled to pebbles. She knew highs and lows, grace and gore, life and death. Kings were born there, kings died and were buried there. What a city! What a lineage!
The most ignominious and glorious act of all history was enacted inside its walls and just outside her gates. Jesus Christ was tried there and then taken out and crucified and buried. However, as we all well know and rejoice over–up from the grave He arose! And yes, He’s coming back to reign from there forever, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!!!
–Evangelist Tim Green, Day Heights, Ohio
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