“I LOVE your blog! I like your creative juices, and the pictures of your food are mouth watering! They’re very beautiful. I come here on a daily basis to read Dirty Dishes, too. I get ideas from what you cook and I also get inspired by you. You give me courage. Thank you for doing that for me. Keep posting current content ’cause you ROCK!” –from a female viewer
Response from Skirt in the Kitchen: I’m twitching my face into blush-mode, but flabbergasted that I’ve got a praise here, feeling the applaud of an “Amen”! Thank you for your warm e-mail and viewer comment.
I enjoy the creativity of Skirt (talking like she’s a separate person or a person, at all!), and I love putting together my own ideas of things that might be on the crazy side of other people’s thinking. (My mother is a regular contributor on Skirt and shares her recipes and poetry.) I go for the unusual, what people call absurdity at its worst! I do like unravelling the norm and having fun here, even when I’m trying to put a lid on a particular subject that might be too “out there”, matters that make some people feel uncomfortable. Even though I write about topics that are not entirely pleasant, I like having a blog that’s not all sunshine because there are and will always be issues in life that need to be addressed. I feel like this is my mission–to create, to explore, and to be here for people, not just cook and bake. I love my viewers.
Thanks for sending me an amen! God bless you, enjoy your day.
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