“You seem to be more for men than you are for women and for women’s rights. Your following is more guys. Why is that if you say your blog is for everyone? It’s not for me, I don’t have time for your dreamy life. I’m a working woman.”
First of all, thank you for taking time out from your busy day to write to me. I hope you decide to come back to read this and hopefully get a better understanding of who I am.
I am more of a traditional woman than a “modern” individual and I have always tried to uphold and honor the men in my life. Does it mean I am beneath them or think women should be? It would be a resounding “no”. Do I feel by being a woman that I should get special treatment outside of being loved, honored, and adored by my significant other/husband and children? Again, a resounding “no”-unless you’d be referring to matters when and where women are physically, emotionally, and sexually abused.
What I do believe is that men and women should embrace who they are and not so much what they are. I also believe that equality is based off the agreement two people have between them that stems from their strengths and abilities. That agreement hopefully is fair and balanced between both parties involved. In other words, equal between sexes.
I find it difficult to “uphold” the church-going/and or religious belief that “the man is to be head over the woman”, that if you’re a woman, you’re figuratively to be slightly standing off to the side if not behind him, in his shadow, all because of “the strength” of a man and his right to be front and center in the light of every intelligent thinking and decision-making concerned. I think it should be equal in that regard, also. In more cases than less, women have proved to be the stronger sex, and that’s not “pigheaded” of me to say. Realistically, I think it’s more the character of a person regardless of being male or female, the inner strengths, moral conduct, and godliness of somebody to be able to say that they are to stand alongside another person, rightfully. Why not have guts, tenacity, and fortitude to stand without fear or lack of confidence? Humanity is to be equal on all sides.
Yes, my following is slightly more men than women and has been since it’s inception. I didn’t plan for that; it was something that just happened as far as viewers go. This blog was never meant to signify men or women over all. I feel that anybody who visits my site can find something of value or interest if they choose to take the time to look long and hard enough. My stats have never been more than a 10% difference in the past 4 years, so I feel that that is about as middle of the road, and in my eyes, makes my blog pretty balanced between both sexes. I also keep track of age brackets and have viewers from all age groups as repeat customers. So, being that I have a close balance of male and female followers and all age groups represented, there is something for anyone.
I’m sorry you feel that my blog is not for you. As a writer and as a human being, I always want to feel that I personally have something of value to offer others, knowing that I do.
If my blog seems dreamy to you or anyone else, it’s because it’s a gorgeous representation of my thoughts and motivation, even work-related. I write with plans and hopes of inspiring others, as well as for myself.
Frequently, there are no plans for a specific post; meaning, I get a rush that hits me on the spur of the moment, and that’s when I know that it’s something that’s meant to be made for a post. It can range from food to gardening and flowers; sometimes a craft item to fashion. Once in a while it’s simply about life. It’s never meant to offend anyone when relaying my artistic side of Skirt in the Kitchen.
This leads me to your final thought and the one that disturbs me the most. You state that you don’t have time for my “dreamy life” because you are a “working woman”. Time is indeed precious and I have no intention of arguing how valuable it really is. You see, working on a blog isn’t just writing a few words down and hitting publish. I have to find something I think my readers will enjoy, figure out what I need (supplies) to do the post, gather the required items, produce the item or food content, photograph, choose the photos, edit the photos, write the post, edit and proofread, read it again, edit some more, and finally post it. That takes a few hours, usually, but that is only the start. I need to check stats, make adjustments, look for key words to do better in my rankings for my next post, ensure my ads are displaying properly, back up files, update the theme and plugins, make sure nobody is trying to hack my site, check comments, reply to comments, check emails and reply if warranted, look for problems with my site, investigate problems, research how to fix if I don’t know, and the list goes on and on and this is what I do in my “free” time. That is just a tidbit of work including other writing assignments and engagements that I personally cover each day while being an active parent, grandmother to a two year-old, “homemaker”, and caregiver to the elderly.
I am every bit concerned for the treatment of women and children in our society and in the world where real respect is lacking. I also feel remorse for the good men who work hard for their families, who have women who don’t appreciate their devotion and love at home where a man should be able to hang his hat.
My father taught me fairness. I hope this clears up some issues. Thanks for writing.
More questions and comments from viewers answered and replied to in the upcoming weeks, only on Dirty Dishes…
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