Tarragon Spaghetti Kraut, exclusively Skirt in the Kitchen
I’m glad you could make it by again. How are things? Are you hungry for pasta? I have some already cooked, barely done. Let’s see what’s in the pantry that we can make into a tasty spaghetti. I’ll cover the angel hair to keep warm.
I’ve got an 8-ounce jar of chili garlic sauce
Here’s some tarragon
from the ‘frig.
Let’s peel and chop an onion.
I want virgin coconut oil
in the skillet.
We can slice some frozen sweet peppers from the freezer. Let’s stir in half the amount of the tarragon.
Please say you want a dried red cayenne pepper
’cause I’m already crushing a whole one with my fingers, pieces falling into the skillet
–seeds and all! Grab the salt
; black pepper, too-a little.
Beautiful. All our senses can be summed up in a spoonful-right here…
I think we should stir in some water chestnuts
. Let’s drain off the liquid before adding.
Chicken or Polish sausage, perhaps both, would go nicely in this. Let’s use up the kielbasa
I have left over in the refrigerator. Good with you?
We’ll slightly brown the sausage.
Now we can stir in the chili garlic sauce. We can begin with half the jar. We’ll taste as we go. There are no measurements, here; we’re just throwing something together.
I want to use homemade kraut in this, and add some of the liquid from the jar since the garlic sauce has thickened the content a bit. The kraut recipe is on this link. The liquid from the kraut will even it out just right as far as consistency goes. This will be somewhat like kimchi
-the flavor because of the kraut and chili garlic sauce-with the exception that the cabbage has not been fermented
as kimchi. My Christmas Kraut has been setting for slightly over a month, sealed in canning jars
Flop the pasta into the skillet while I stir and toss. I’m adding more chili garlic sauce, then some ketchup
for sweetness to cut the acidic twang; plus, a sprinkle or two of soy sauce
for the oriental salt-side of it. This has to be accordingly to how the taste buds want it to be. Try it.
We’re ready to eat. Here’s a plate for you. We’ll garnish with the rest of the tarragon, and chip some white cheese for the top-any flavor of your favorite. The more cheese, the better!
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