Skipping the holidays might not be such a bad thing to do. It could possibly be the “fix-all” to the seasonal stress.
Why not call off the plans this year? I mean-really. Who needs another party dress? Who needs a stomach ache from too much booze mixed with the collaboration of sweets? Who needs the hen-pecking of folks comparing notes on what you should do/should not do as far as your personal decisions go? Who needs pesky in-laws?!
What would happen if we just stayed in this year, stopped the clock, closed the curtains, and called off the social events wrapped around the holiday season? Hermit life at its best! Why not?
What would be so bad, so wrong, with saying “no” to people’s demands, ideals, wishes, and hunger for material gain? What is the authentic meaning of Christmas anyway?
Gifts of spices, of frankincense and myrrh, were brought to the Newborn King, but that doesn’t mean that it’s mandatory that indulgences must be fed this time of year that seem to change the true meaning and recognition of why there was ever a Christmas.
Cookies, sweets, and a feast of food isn’t a bad thing. The exchange of gifts isn’t a no-no, either. It’s when all that matters to people is the social expectations, the amount of money spent, the status of folks that it becomes a bad thing.
There should be no guilt when saying to loved ones that you’re staying home this year, that you’re sticking a pizza in the oven, that you’re going to watch movies on TV and prop up your feet on the coffee table. Keeping cozy in a blanket on a comfortable couch, alone or with somebody, might make it a very good holiday after all. If there is true peace inside a heart, then a peaceful decision will follow.
Sometimes giving people an emphatic no is the best thing you can give yourself and those you love-the gift of not going, the gift of not giving material goods. Authentically obtain and give the gift of peace, first to yourself, then to others. Be able to be okay with it. Be a little “selfish” as you might be (and will be) described by others when you simply put your foot down for your own sanity and well-being.
Spread the joy of harmony whether you stay home or attend functions. Give the gift of true peace, lasting joy, and real love by getting and keeping peace inside yourself. Be at peace with your personal decisions regardless of negative comments spread through the vine as a result of your rightful decisions. Having genuine peace will not affect your feelings from what others say or do in regard to your decisions pertaining to the holidays and thereafter. You have your own will to not be affected by hurtful words of others by peacefully saying no.
Does Aunt Marg let you tell her what to do, where to go, and how to live her life? Does she put down your pies without having eaten them-not ever-not even a bite? What makes her the expert?
Does so-and-so believe the words out of people’s mouths about you without really knowing you, but choosing to believe the gossip anyway?
Does what’s-his-name still think he knows everything in the world, and then some? Does he still find it sport to attack you publicly and harp about your finances as though he’s the government over you? “Can” the thought of caroling with him, too.
Those people who enjoy unraveling the reputations of “loved ones”, well, do you really know about their lives, the internal junk?-the skeletons in their closets? Do you really know about their marriages, affairs, neglect of their families, and their shabby business tactics done unto others?-NO! They wouldn’t have it that way-revealing the flaws and intentional sins in their lives, yet, they are so apt to point fingers, barge in on your personal decisions, and wait for the “family gathering” to beat you up with disgrace and shameful words when they have an audience. There comes a time when staying home on the holidays is a blissful blessing. Holidays are not to be turned into a gang-up of hard feelings, of bitter remarks, of put-downs. “Peace and good will toward men”…
It might seem like you’re skipping the holidays, but you’re not-you’re rearranging and choosing for yourself for once. Maybe your spouse needs to know that you have personal rights, too, so stand up in a good way-in the right way. There’s nothing wrong with voicing your wants by saying no. If it’s been one-sided through the years, then get selfish for a change. Be dubbed as being a scrooge though enjoying the holidays and keeping the true meaning of Christmas. Give yourself a peaceful heart. Take care of yourself, first, so you can truly care for others who do love and need you.Home’s where the heart is.
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