It’s a rose-colored morning… black coffee-the way I like it-no cream or sugar, straight-up dark.
There are greetings on the front porch, something new that a passerby has left me again. This summer, people have consistently done this for me-even without knocking-give me simple things and leave them at my door. Most of them are people I never heard of in name prior to finding the sweet gifts from hearts so kind. Some names are not attached to items-because of what I do here. Melts me away.
I’ve received flowers, books, seeds, house plants, starter plants to put into my own garden soil, holiday decorations, and fresh vegetables.
I also received apples, lots of them. My sincere thanks.
I’ve been enjoying tomatoes from the garden, and they will extend into Fall-
an assortment of heirlooms, tomatillos, black cherry tomatoes, and green ones to put into a green tomato pie. I like fried green tomatoes, too.
I preferred cooking outdoors all summer long.
I experienced something out of my realm as far as gardening goes: I pollinated pumpkin blossoms. Once I got the very thought cleared from my mind, I was able to delve into the horticultural process of it with care and enjoyment. No “wham-bam-thankyou-mam” about it! What did I do you might be wondering? I momentarily became the Dr. Ruth of pumpkin fertility. It was sex education my freshman year all over again. I manually had to help them out like a freak of nature, lol… but, hey, I’m not your ordinary girl.
“Ahem”-clearing throat now. My apology-now moving ahead! Again, I harvested my Concord grapes this year and found that I must prune them so I can have more of an abundance of fruit next summer. I still, have yet, to make and bake a grape pie.
Make it a rose-colored day, enjoy a rose-colored moment.
[pink for Breast Cancer Awareness]
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