This will soon be the heading for my new blog. It’s time to graduate. I’ve been here for almost 4 years; said I was going to go somewhere else, long time ago by now, to transfer beautiful Skirt in the Kitchen. I’m giving you fair warning so you don’t lose track of me– It could still be a few months, however. I’m hoping that everything gets backed up properly, nothing lost, and that I will happily be at my new home with my new blog host and hook up to WordPress. I’ll try not to lose sight of your smile, even on those days when you’re not up to smiling. I will look for you if I’ve lost you along the way or if someone tried to separate our ties. You know I like having you around, and I’ve enjoyed your company over a good cup of tea, dark hot chocolate, or freshly brewed coffee from a vintage Fire King cup.
I will be posting throughout the gradual transfer.
This photo is re-done in black and white; originally in color with cream cheese-frosted red velvet cupcakes complimented by antique jars of white granulated sugar that sparkled at me through a less-than-perfect camera that I no longer can recall, then through a Canon DSLR Rebel XTi with a broken 28-80 mm zoom lens. It was a magical time for me, I took my very first picture for this blog of these very cupcakes, this very picture. I continued to take numerous photographs with a broken lens! It was cracked, alright, and I still kept on plugging away; even took some fabulous pictures in the mixture of the “oh-oh-that’s-not-so-good” kind of snap-shots.
I began blogging because people wanted my recipes. It was simply an outlet for me, letting my hair down, ventilating in my own way from a stressful day, even celebrating with an exuberant style at times. It got me through some dark moments, humanly speaking. Like everyone else, I needed to have my own thing. I fell in love with this blog, with what I discovered, what I got to do, where I went, who I met, and what I found that I could manage to do; little ‘ole me! I laugh at this, this last sentence that I wrote, because I’ve always been a shrimp in a a large mass of water with the big sharks. It was troublesome trying to be heard some if not most of the time. This became much more than a hobby for me and it will go on evolving.
This has become a place where more than food is edited and posted. It now holds crafts skills, fashion, health issues, featured films old and current, and recognition to small businesses as well as to benefits and charities. My late father had a lot to do with this along with (his) cooking that was handed down. It willingly drives me; has my full interest.
And the music… ! I’ve thought of discontinuing it but people seem to like/love it– It may not be your selection choice but it is a mystery what will be tagged along at the end of a post. I usually try to match a song with a recent food. If I’m not able to, I will write something in the script of my post that are the lyrics in the song. It’s kind of fun for me, as silly as that may be! All of the music on this blog ranges from vintage to modern, from country to the blues, from pop to hard rock, spiritual and classical, and of the genres and hits of today. I’ve featured upcoming artists. I may or may not be able to continue the music but I will be baking and cooking, regardless.
I look back at the beginning of my blog to the middle to 3/4’s-way– omg! I can re-do some of my photos and posts, and I will muster the time to do that because the recipes are good, even then… They will be the re-makes of sweet memories. I have such a ways to go in the continued learning of photo-taking and technical equipment. “You are your best when you enjoy and love what you’re doing.” The process has been exhilarating.
It’s time to set sail, let these wings fly, or whatever you like to say when you get that moment for a new adventure– when the house is too small, or the plumbing is too outdated– You’ve got to look forward with new possibilities, hopes, and dreams. It really is okay to dream… they are plans.
— Susan Nuyt, Skirt in the Kitchen
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