It was a large can filled to the brim with chili beans. I wondered what I was going to do with it after making a large pot of chili to freeze leftovers and deciding to wash it and get the sticky glue and label off it’s shiny exterior. This is what I came up with:
With small cut sections of red Duct tape, since the can is rough along its edge, I smoothly wrapped the top. I had some crinkles, so I smoothed them out again.
I went fully around the edge to cover it completely.
The sides were left to do, plus the interior.
Directly under the lip of the can, as evenly as possible, I ran the tape lengthwise and pressed on the surface to adhere nicely. I finished that, then ran the tape downwardly on the inside of the can, then covered the interior bottom. This worked better than having to use paint in cold weather; plus, it feels good on the finger-touch.
For adorning, my daughter wanted a shooting star on the outside to decorate with cut stars from cream-colored card stock. Even the blue ink left on the stars added to the charm and look of the can.
Next, we cut the card stock with pinking sheers for the edges to have a zigzag appeal. What we could come up with since January 1st, good things– great things– we wrote them on the cards and put them in the can.
At the end of this new year we can pull each one from the can and read our blessings, remember what did go well in our year and be reminded of the successes that we accomplished. Throughout the year when things might tend to boggle us down, we can read these along the way and keep going with our work and ambitions. This is a visible way to keep goals focused, the excitement going, faith grounded as the year ultimately moves into another new year. It’s fun to do with the kids, they like this. “Keep your chin up!” They learn.
— Susan Nuyt, Skirt in the Kitchen
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