Flashback to babyhood; my daughter was little, now she’s almost half-grown… a magical time, a marvelous year– She turned one when this picture was taken. My mother and sister flew up to see us to spend a few days just to hold her. Where does time fly, exactly?
Since then, from toddler years to girlhood, she’s helped me bake cookies.
She loves everything vintage and girly.
She’s been my taste-tester of our homemade goods.
She’s been my right hand…
even my right arm.
We’ve made crafts in the kitchen– from kitchen notions to meat string, from kitchen pans to flowers and hair bows.
We’ve put our practical things to good use for decorative purposes for the holidays, not just for cooking, baking, and serving up food.
We’ve made cupcakes for Halloween…
We’ve put daisies into frosting,
marigolds onto chocolate, and they looked like fallen leaves.
We steeped roses in honey as though it was tea.
We’ve played Barbies and dress-up while baking.
We’ve made our share of messes (Suzi flour-head).
We’ll bake more pies and play make-believe again.
We’ll welcome the holidays, preserve more seasonal jam to send to family and loved ones afar.
We’ll take a walk in the woods.
I’ll roast, yet, another turkey.
The world I have is the world he gave me, every holiday and event in the kitchen, each and every rose-colored moment I have with my daughter.
Make it a rose-colored moment to leave behind…
[pink for Breast Cancer Awareness]
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