Phalaenopsis Orchid, the Valentine’s Day time of year for orchids indoors– let’s hope they last…
Little sewing/craft corner away from the kitchen…
Lovely shadow box filled with vintage toys– plastic food, an old watch, vintage cutout, doll plates, and a 1957 miniature calendar– a favorite thing… There’s even suppose to be a ceiling light– cute…
A special month and year…
Ceramic garlic plate for food prep…
Pepper plate for sewing buttons– I don’t stick to one category; you know I’m a scatter-brain, lol…
(Plate could be used for a large egg spatula to rest on while cooking breakfast, just a thought… )
Homemade stuffed pup, from winter gloves– what I make with my kids during the cold months– I buy gloves on clearance at the end of season to make these adorable characters, different animals…
Enough homespun things for now– enjoy your day, find the small treasures in your corner of the world, in your little nook where home is. Smell the roses.
[pink for Breast Cancer Awareness]
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