Skirt in the Kitchen: Baking and cooking with ease and elegance in everyday living, where food and music merge…
It’s what I’ve got on, cooking and baking with– whatever genre I’m in the mood for–
— Songs that bring back a time, someone dear, or just what I want to hear at the moment. It could be a new song. Every Skirt in the Kitchen food is made with a song in the background, editing done with lyrics being played.
It might be the blues, hard rock, a summer ballad, country, pop, or even religious– and I’ve played a few “acid” notes… It can be “naughty” and still be in good taste. It can be less than acceptable, but it’s music that this food is made and baked with.
It’s raw, human emotions, true heart. It’s got strength, character, and its flaws. “What’s ugly is beautiful”– the description. No curtain, nothing sugar-coated but dessert– completely naked, real, messes and all.
And it’s as sweet as cake– chocolate– not a sin.
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