exclusively Skirt in the Kitchen
Wash and sort through cranberries to equal 6 cups for this recipe.
In a heavy pot, cover them with 3 cups granulated sugar. Pour in 3 cups water.
Add the zest of 1 lemon and 2 clementines. Stir in the juice of half the lemon; stir in juice of both clementines. Run the tip of a small sharp knife lengthwise to cut and open the vanilla bean; scrape out the vanilla. Put 2 cinnamon sticks in the cranberries along with golden raisins, dark raisins, 2 anise stars, 1 minced Jazz apple, 1 minced celery stalk, black walnuts, 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, 1/4 cup dark brown sugar, freshly ground black pepper, good pinch of salt, ground cloves, freshly grated nutmeg– not much; and a little of fresh ginger– finely grated (minced), as well.
Bring to a boil, simmer down to a good heat, to a slight bubbly mixture to cook liquids into compote that is lumpy. You will need to cook down halfway from what it originally was when first in the pot. It will be in a jelly-like form when it is through coming together. Add 1/2 tablespoon blackberry brandy– must, it’s the finishing touch to this. Must be flavored brandy, fruit that accents– blackberry, no other. I’ve tried the others, this one is best for this. You will love it.
This was my parents’, my added touches to it, now ours. There was never a recipe for this growing up; I just knew what they put in, found it better than any other, so I stuck with it.
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